The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Sayre, Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y. PAGE TWO THE EVENING TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1965 Kim Porter Sunday at the home of Mrs. VanderWinkle in Union Springs, MM Lockwood N. Y. an aluminum foil pie pan and use this as a lid for my spaghetti saiice or soup.

It will let the steam out, keep the sauce or soup from becoming watery, and it will prevent the usual splashes and splatters from getting all over the stove. Mrs. Gerald R. Miller Great! Why don't manufacturers make some lids with holes? Heloise mumm Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Lent and Mrs. Ruth Vanetten of Ithaca called on Mr. and Mrs. James Mock and Grace MRS. CARRIE CORNISH Phone 598 2349 Depew Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Doty of El and sons, Timmy and Allen of.Ge Rev. and Mrs. Webb Ayers at mira called on the Shillings Sunday loise Cruse neva had Sunday supper with Wilbur By He tended a minister and wives meeting and dinner at the Athens Methodist Mr.

and Mrs. Myron Houck of Swartwood Hill called on the Ray Cornish, Sr. and family. Mrs. Russell Kline and daughter, mond Deckers Sunday night.

Church. Mrs. Esther Shilling and girls call Anne and Miss Cindy Coleman of Miss Lula Myers. Mrs. Herman Barton had dinner with Mr.

and Mrs. Porter, and Mrs. Webb Ayres attend ed on Norman Scigard of Spencer It'll soon be Mother's Day for a Buxton S. J. BALL, Jewelers Herman Kline Wednesday night.

Use Grocery Receipt For Next Week's List ed the dinner and meeting of the Mary Kecley, Martha Hilliker, and Valley Federated Men's Bible Class Tessie Gunderman, all of Chemung, at the Athens Methodist Church April Mrs. Libbie Peppard of 42 Pine Waverly will celebrate her 96th birthday at her home Sunday. Friends and relatives are invited to come. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Searle and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Waster went to Ithaca Tuesday evening.

Eugene Fi.ih ci called on Mr. and Mrs. James Mock Monday morning. Raymond Spacek of Waverly was a Sunday guest of the Cole family. Mrs.

Mastronardo and daughter, Cco*kie, were weekend guests of Viola Menge. James Spencer Is on vacation at his home. Albert Bowman is a patient at the Robert Packer Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

George Gaylord of Ap- 20 at 6:30. Dear Heloise: Mrs. Jude Cornish and daughter, palachin, Mildred Kelley and Mrs. Arthur Shadduck spent Friday with Several weeks ago I used the last WAVERLY, N. Y.

sheet in a conventional style grocery list-pad, and it seemed I could never Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Mock went to Dimmock, Sunday to visit his mother. The Raymond Decker family took Teresa back to Rochester to the school for the deaf.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Porter attended the Hobby Show Exhibit at the Flemingville Grange April 23 and 24, which was put on by the Tioga County Pomona Grange. Mr. and Mrs.

Jude Cornish and daughter, Debbie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cornish, of Geneva, N. Y. Debbie spent Monday with her mother, Mrs.

Martin Sklarkowski of Wav-erly. Dan Tompkins spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole of Ithaca. Clifford Gallow has been ill at the home of his mother, Mrs.

Nathan Gallow. Get a cheap loose-leaf binder (like school children use) place snapshot in Center of the page, write under it the names of the people and on the opposite page "make-them-come-alive" with several sentences. My mother has done this for me and now has a series which she calls "From Lamplight to Satellite!" She has identified relatives, mentioned how they touched her life and bits of history during her 87 years. My booklet is priceless and personal! Dorothy S. Hilland Mrs.

Edna Culver of Beantown. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson and family visited Mr. and Mrs.

George Coolbaugh Saturday. Donald Snyder, Danny Eddie, and Junior Bower of Appalachin called on Mr. and Mrs. Watson Tappan Wednesday evening. Barbara Barrows of Pine City has returned home after spending Easter vacation with Rose Barrows.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Temple and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams and family of Spencer Sun Mrs.

Raymond Decker called on find anything to jot down my grocery list. Then, as I was unloading my groceries, I thought, "Why not use the reverse side of the cash register receipt for next week's list?" "It's perfect narrow and long enough that I should never run out of space. Kay Burress Kay, you are a cutie! No more running around looking for a piece of paper to write the grocery list on just thumb tack or tape that cash register tape on your bulletin board, or with a magnet on A Tupporware party was given by Louise Tompkins for Joanie Tompkins at the Owens Mills Community Hall. Bill Wilkinson, has built a new Phyllis Peterson Monday. Rev.

Mason of Waverly called on Mr. and Mrs. James Mock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Cary and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Ervin Ward and sons of Newark Valley were supper guests of the Wilbur Cornish family Satur Oil Hot Water Heaters Save You day. ALWAYS FRESH HEARING AID BATTERIES at ATHENS PHARMACY SO. MAIN ATHENS WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boan attended Dear Heloise: The crack in that second refrigerator in the garage can easily be patched with the same patching used for surfboards.

Worked wonderfully on the inside of my freezer lid that was accidently cracked. E.M.C. day. the refrigerator or metal cabinet, as soon as you take it out of the grocery home on the Ridge Road. Mrs.

Wayne Porter of, MacDougal and Mrs. Ixran Miller of Waverly were callers during the week at Mrs. Marvin Cornish's. Mrs. Virginia Cole has returned heme from a ten day trip through the South with her brother Robert bag.

Heloise Miss Arline Kcttell of Waverly visited the Cole family Monday evening. Callers at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maslin's home during the week were William Maslin of Endicott, Belle Porter of Van Etten, and Vera Williamson, of Owego. Mr.

and Mrs Ken Collins and chil Dear Heloise: For women who do their laundry MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL THROUGH MAY UP TO away from home, here is a new use for empty coffee cans plastic lids. dren of Waverly called on Mr. and the M.I.A. Bowling Banquet at AVood-side, Mecklinburg Saturday night and then called on Mr. and Mrs.

Nate Downey of Sayre. Rose Taska and Viola Menge took Airman 2nd Class Ernest Taska to the Elmira A'rport Monday to return to his base in South Dakota. Mrs. Kenneth Wertz and children of Endicott visited Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Emerson from Sunday through Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

George Kennedy of Dansville last week. Mrs. Barbara Jackson and children visited Mrs. Carrie Cornish Friday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Rick Lore and children of Pelham, N. Y. were Easter guests of Mrs. Florence Matthews.

Jimmy and Harold Mumme were Put your detergent mixture in the Dear Heloise: While working on crewel embroidery, I keep each group of colored yarn in a waxed sandwich bag. It keeps all of the yarn clean, and it is so easy to see the colors I want since the yarn is visible through the waxed paper. Jean Farrell Dear Heloise: I puncture holes in the bottom of can and with a triangular, beverage can opener, punch a hole. This will leave one side of the opening attached in the plastic lid. FOUNDATION PERMS $6.50 SI 0.00, $12.50 and up Mrs.

Lawrence Williams and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker had din-ner with Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Williams of Spencer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bean called on Mr. and Mrs.

James Bean of Erin, Simonds and sister Cynthia Krise, both of Waverly. They spent several days with their sister Phyllis Rheney and family in Tennille, and then all went to their brother, Edward Palmer Simonds and family in Ocala, Fla. Their sister Mrs. June Simonds and daughter, Audrey of St. Petersburg met them in Ocala and June returned north with them.

It was the first time in over fifteen years that the six Simonds children had all been together. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Tappan visited Mr. and Mrs.

Dick Kirk Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cornish, Put another plastic lid on the bot tom of the can, and this prevents it from sliding or spilling in the car. N.

Sunday. going to and from the laundry. Mrs. Rose Barrows and Barbara Saves carrying a cumbersome, called on Mrs. Esposito during the We Curl UP and DYE for you EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT MACIEL-SM1TH BEAUTY SHOP 410 Mohawk Sayre 885-9152 67 Cents on every 100 gallons you use John H.

Murray Son OVER 75 YEARS OF HEATING SERVICE DIAL 882-21 11 883-5381 opened box! week. BUS SCHEDULE Patricia Wischmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamblin and weekend camping at the campsite of children of Syracuse were Laster guests of Mrs. Florence Mathews.

Letter of Laughter Mr. and Mrs. Watson Tappan visit Dear Heloise: I know people think I'm lazy when ed Mr. and Mrs. P'rank Grover in Elmira Sunday evening.

rRI BORO TRANSPORTATION INCORPORATED they see my dirty windows, but I have a good reason. Kim Cornish celebrated her 5th Truckload In summer the dirt filters the sun birthday April 26 with a party at her home. Guests were Kathy, Lisa, and light a bit making the house cooler, and in winter when the outdoors is so bare, it keeps people from looking in Eddie, Jr. Swayze and Joanie and Raymond Savey. ecial! at me.

The Annual Rural Urban Banquet MAIN LINE HOURLY SERVICE First bus leaves Athens 6:30 A.M.; first bus laaves Sayre for Waverly 6:45 A.M.; first bus leaves Waverly for Sayre and Athens 7 A.M.; first bus leaves Sayre for Athens 7:15 A.M.; hourly service re-nainder of day. Routes Buses go West on Chemung street at 7, 8. 9. 10, 12, 2. 4 and 6 o'clock and East on Chemung street 11, 1, 3 and 5 o'clock Donna sponsored by the Tioga County Po Member Northern Tier Fuel Dealers Association Member Valley Fuel Dealers.

Association NOFI POHI ESPA! Dear Heloise: About those boxes of snapshots. UYE10W I. hi mona Grange will be held at Owego Methodist Church on May 13 at 7 p. m. The banquet will be served by the County Committee.

The speaker will be Hairy N. Althouse, special assistant to National Master Newsom. in charge, of Centennial for Lower Prices! PLANT NOW Membership program. Robert Porter and Carl Breck call ed on Marvin Cornish and family Get your kicks for Better Results! Tuesday. Mrs.

Viola Menge visited Mrs. Judy Taska of Sayre Friday. from one of Plymouth's Rose Barrows called on Velma Ackley and Mrs. Alice Doolittle. Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Collins visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Williams and family Sunday. Six Fury wagons-longer, 16 great going wagons Boy Scout Troop 13 went on an wider, carry more than Ford or Chevrolet! overnight camping trip.

Boys present were Fred Peterson, Dan, Ken and Duke Wilson, Sterling and Bill Dim mick, Marc Seeley, Pat Cornish and Powell, Pa. Callers at Rose Barrows' were Mrs. Anna Doolittle of Horseheads and Mrs. Grover of Lockwood. Scott Bean, six months old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Bean, is a patient at the Robert Packer Hospital with bronical pneumonia. Richard Kirk called on Mr. and Mrs. Wtson Tappan Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Sadie Grover's grandson, Randy Grover of Sullivanville spent last week with her. Mrs. Hattie Meissner and Mrs. Herman Kline called on Mrs.

Jennie Searles of Glencairn Monday afternoon. Saturday night dinner guests of the Robert Simmons were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barrows and Rose Barrows. Belle Porter of Van Etten visited Mrs.

Ackley from Wednesday night until Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Martin visited Mr. and Mrs.

Foote in Waverly Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Tappan went to Ithaca to the Sportsman Show held at the National Cash Cafeteria Saturday afternoon. Rose Taska and Viola Menge called on Mrs.

Mastronardo and daughter, Cookie, of Sayre Tuesday. an Mrs. Arthur Gullstrand celebrated their 25th anniversary April 13 at their daughter-in-law's, Mrs. Ritchler of Hollow Creek Road, Spencer, and had an Easter party. Mrs.

John Tompkins had her mother-in-law, Ida Smith, visiting her from Monday through Thursday. Mrs. Avery Barrows and daughter, Bonnie, called on Mrs. Gloria Root one day last week. Martha Hilliker and Tessie Gunderman of Chemung, Mr.

and Mrs. George Gaylord of Appalachin, Mrs. Edna Culver of Beantown, Mildred Kelley and Mrs. Arthur Shadduck visr ited Mary Keeley of Chemung Wednesday. Viola Menge and Rose Taska called on Mrs.

Ethel Mitchell of Sayre Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and sons, Duane and Alex of Nelson, ailed on Mrs. Arthur Shadduck Sun-ay afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson and "imily visited Pat Lewis of Athens 3unday. The first meeting of the Weight Reducing Class was held at 1 p. m.

Monday at the Lockwood Community Center. There were ten present. Officers elected were Louise Tompkins, chairman, Carrie Cornish, secretary, Scoutmaster, Wilbur Cornish. Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Cary and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cargo capacity Load length Width Height cu ft t0 en1 fl00r at tailt roof to floor at of open tailgate opening tailgate opening PLYMOUTH FURY 96.9 128.9" 55.0" 29.5" CHEVROLET IMPALA 94.1 122.8" 52.4" 28.8" FORD GALAXIE 91.3 117.6" 54.3":: 29.9" Information used based on official specifications supplied by each manufacturer. Cargo capacity does not Include Plymouth's 10.3 cu. ft.

of lockable, hidden storage space if) the 6-passenger Fury models. Walker Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Scholt of JflMS HARDY mffiu'l Hft 'Y-i Globosa J'ftVRK (Glebes) East Hampton, Long Island, spent a few days with Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Maslin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cornish of Wav erly called on Mr.

and Mrs. Wilbur Cornish and family Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barrows of Pine City were overnight guests of Rose BaiTows Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cornish and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Porter of MacDougal, N.

Y. Six Belvedere wagons- Miss Rita Williams of Spencer call the big buys in the intermediate field! ed on the Richard Cary family Fri day evening. Douglas Depew of Nichols visited Mr. and Mrs. James Mock Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Riley of Sayre called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cor nish Sunday morning.


and Mrs. R. E. Webster of Jamesburg, N. are now making their home in Lockwood on Cayuta Four Valiant wagons-compact economy with high capacity! Street.

Joan Williams, treasurer, and keeper of the weights, Margaret Temple. It The Annual District meeting and luncheon of Home Bureau will be was decided that meetings will be every Monday from 12:30 to 2:30 at the Center. Everyone is to make her held in Owego on Friday, May SYCAMORE 4-5' own name tag, bring suggestions for There will be many exhibits and entertainment and a Smorgasbord luncheon. Members able to attend should contact Charlotte Dhuy by the a club name, creed, prayer, song, bring a small donation and try to Also Flowering Shrubs bring a new member next week. Lau ra Millard and Virginia Cole are to $.99 DEUTZIA, PRIDE OF ROCH MOCK ORANGE PINK WEIGELA YARIEGATED WEIGELA SPIREA YAN HUTTE end of this week.

Mrs. Wayne Porter of MacDougal, N. and Mrs. Loran Miller of Waverly were callers during the week at Mrs. Marvin Cornish's.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kithcart of Milan, were visitors one day last week of Mr. and Mrs. Orvia Root, Jr.

Will Shaw and friend of Candor visited Mrs. Grace Depew Sunday evening. Charge II No Money down up to 2 yeara to pay Get a kicker of a deal at Plymouthland uybelvedere valiant barracuda plan activities for the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Cundy and daughter, Diane visited Viola Menge Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Tappan and Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Slater and son; Bill, went out to dinner to "Joe's" Saturday evening. John Campbell's daughter, Evelyn Scouten and family visited him Sunday. Tioga County Pomona Grange will visit Schuyler County Pomona Grange at the Burdette Grange Hall tonight at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.

Marvin Cornish and family attended a birthday celebration for Mrs. Dave VanderWinkle and vUfeE AUTHmisopiymnHoiAUM 0 CHRYSLER MOTMI OMnMAIKM tf DEEDS RECORDED Wysox Milo West et ux to Paul D. Hitchco*ck et ux, April 22, Ridgebury Anna S. Hicks W.LOCKIIARTST. SAYRK Shop Tonight on.

Thurs. Till 9 P.M. Tues. Wed. Sat.

9:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. George Fraley 504 S. Main Athens, Pa. et vir to Herbert Morgan et ux, April 23, 1965..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.