July 17, 2019 PRIME TIME Channel CR CC CG DT 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 CBS 2 2 2 2 2 CBS News Norah (N) 2 News at (N) 2 News at 7pm (N) In side Edi tion (N) Love Is land (N) Big Brother (N) S.W.A.T.: Fallen. 2 News at 11pm (N) (:35) The Late Show with Ste phen Colbert (N) (:37) The Late Late Show NBC 4 4 4 4 4 News 4 Nightly at 6PM (N) News 4 Nightly at 630PM En ter tain ment To night (N) Ex tra (N) El Game of Games: Beauty and the Boots. Songland: Kelsea Ballerini. The InBetween: The Length of a River. (N) News 4 at 11 (N) (:35) The To night Show Star ring Jimmy Fallon (N) Late Night Seth Meyers (N) PBS 5 5 5 5 5 BBC World News The PBS NewsHour Nightly Busi ness Re port A Year in Space 8 Days: To the Moon and Back (N) 8 Days: To the Moon and Back Amanpour and Com pany (N) ABC 8 8 8 8 8 ABC World News (N) News (N) Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel of For tune Press Your Luck (N) Card Sharks (N) Match Game: Mario Cantone.
(N) News (N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (:37) Night line (N) CW 8.3 12 12 12 9 Amer i can Dad! Amer i can Haylias. Fam ily Guy Fam ily Guy: Air port Penn Teller: Fool Us: Penn Teller Hit the Streets. Jane the Vir gin: Chap ter Ninety-Seven. (N) Now at 10p on the CW (N) The Goldbergs The Goldbergs: Snow Day. Seinfeld: The Pick.
Seinfeld: The Stand-In. Rules of En gage ment FOX 11 11 11 11 11 Mod ern Fam ily Mod ern Fam ily The Big Bang The ory The Big Bang The ory MasterChef: Wed ding. (N) First Re spond ers Live Ten News (N) TMZ (N) DailyMailTV (N) 2 Broke Girls: And the Unit. 2 Broke Girls: Op por tu nity. MYNET 21 7 7 7 21 UFA: from Dubuque, Iowa (Re play) World of Sport Wres tling NSN DAILY NSN DAILY SEC Me dia Week Re cap The James Brown Show Date line: A Fam Story.
STAD 21.2 182 182 182 UFA: Sham rock FC 319. World of Sport Wres tling SEC Me dia Ring of Honor Wres tling UFA: Sham rock FC 319. SEC Me dia Emerge The Sauce Shram Show UNIVIS 27 10 10 10 27 Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) Amor eterno La reina soy yo (N) La rosa de Guadalupe Por amar sin ley Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) Contacto deportivo UNIMAS 36 22 22 22 pobres tan ricos In sepa rables, amor al (N) Noticiero (N) Nosotros Blue Demon Laura CABLE CHANNELS Channel CR CC CG DT 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 60 60 60 265 Stor age Stor age Wahlburgers: On the Road. Wahlburgers Wahlburgers (N) (:01) The Employables (N) Wahlburgers: What It Do. (:03) Wahlburgers AMC 58 58 58 254 Glad i a tor Drama) Rus sell Crowe.
A war re venge. The Shawshank Re demp tion aaaa Drama) Tim Rob bins. A man in prison. (:05) The Per fect Storm Drama) George Clooney. ANPL 39 39 39 282 North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law: Uncuffed: Ob serve and Re lease.
(N) I Was Prey: Va ca tion. I Was Prey: Sur viv ing. North Woods Law: Uncuffed BET 67 67 67 329 Get Rich Juice aaa Drama) Omar Epps. Teens spi ral into vi lence. Creed aaaa Drama) Mi chael B.
Jor dan. Apollo son be comes a boxer. (:05) Mar tin (:39) Mar tin BRAVO 61 61 61 237 South ern Charm South ern Charm South ern Charm South ern Charm (N) South ern Charm New Watch What South ern Charm (:31) Be low CMT (4:00) Tomb stone aaac Tomb stone aaac West ern) Kurt Rus sell. The Earp broth ers fight the Clantons. Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger CNBC 48 48 48 355 Deal or No Deal (N) Deal or No Deal: Wall Street.
Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Paid Paid Paid Paid CNN 44 44 44 202 Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN To night with Don (N) CNN To night with Don (N) An der son Coo per Cuomo Prime Time CNN To night with Don CNN To night with Don COMEDY 69 69 69 249 South Park (:50) South Park: Trapped. South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Imaginationland: The Tril ogy Daily (N) South Park South Park South Park DISC 42 42 42 278 Ex pe di tion Un known: Ma yan. Ex pe di tion Un known Ex pe di tion Un known Ex pe di tion Un known: Re dis cov ered: Lost City of Gold. (N) Ex pe di tion Un known Ex pe di tion Un known DISNEY 38 38 38 290 Ra ven Syd ney Just Roll Just Roll (N) Just Roll Coop Cam Syd ney Amphibia Big City Just Roll Andi Mack 63 63 63 236 The Note book News (N) Some thing Bor rowed aa Com edy) Ginnifer Goodwin. (:35) En chanted aaa Fan tasy) Amy Ad ams.
New York prin cess. ESPN 33 33 33 206 (4:00) MLB Base ball (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter The 2019 ESPN2 34 34 34 209 (5:00) The 2019 In ter na tional Champ. Cup: Ar se nal vs Bayern Mu nich (Live) UFC Main Now or UFC Main SportsCenter EWTN 140 370 EWTN News Holy Ro sary Fa ther Uni verse Cross ing WomenGrace Ca the drals Across Amer ica: Ded i ca tion of Christ Ca the dral. EWTN Live: Chris Alar, Mic. EWTN News Christ FNC 46 46 46 360 Hannity (N) The Ingraham An gle (N) News Night (N) Tucker Carlson To night Hannity The Ingraham An gle FOX News Night with Sha FOOD 51 51 51 231 Gro cery Games Gro cery Games Gro cery Games Gro cery Games (N) Gro cery Games Gro cery Games Gro cery Games FREEFORM 36 36 36 311 The Twi light Saga: Eclipse aa Rob ert Pattinson.
grown-ish (N) (:31) Six teen Can dles aac Com edy) Molly Ringwald. grown-ish The 700 Club Ac cepted aac FS1 30 30 30 219 PBA Bowl ing: PBA Sum mer League Semi fi nals. (Live) MLB Whip Around (Live) TMZ Sports Fair Game Speak for Your self PBC Press In side PBC Box ing FX 70 70 70 248 Pas sen gers aaa Lo gan aaaa Ac tion) Hugh Jackman. Lo gan meets young mu tant who needs help. Snow fall: More You Make.
(N) Snow fall: More You Make. Snow fall: Pro tect Swerve. GAC 130 130 130 326 Ex treme RVs: Grand Tour. Ex treme RVs: Pow er house. Ex treme RVs: Road War riors.
Buy ing RVs Buy ing RVs Ex treme RVs Ex treme RVs Ex treme RVs: Road War riors. GALA 23 23 23 404 La taxista Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Maerker (N) HALL 90 90 90 312 Christ mas Un der Wraps Candace Cameron Bure. Nine Lives of Christ mas Ro mance) Brandon Routh. The Christ mas Cot tage aaa Hol i day) Merritt Patterson. Road to Christ mas HGTV 52 52 52 229 Buy ing and Sell ing Buy ing and Sell ing Prop erty Broth ers Prop erty Broth ers (N) Hunt ers (N) Hunt ers (N) Prop erty Broth ers Prop erty Broth ers: Gam bles.
HISTORY 62 62 62 269 Forged in Fire: Long Road to. Forged in Fire: At Sword. Forged in Fire: Cut ting (N) Forged in Fire (N) The Stron gest Man in His tory (:05) Ax Men: Back to Woods. (:03) Forged in Fire HSN 111 21 21 240 Beauty Re port Beauty Re port The Beauty Spy Anuschka Hand bags Gabor Wigs Anuschka Hand bags Anuschka Hand bags ION 86 86 306 Blue Bloods: Town With out. Blue Bloods: The Ex tra Mile.
Blue Bloods Blue Bloods: Mercy. Blue Bloods: Friendly Fire. Blue Bloods: Crit i cal. Blue Bloods: In no cence. LIFETIME 28 28 28 252 Mar ry ing Mil lions (N) Mar ried at First Sight Mar ried (N) Mar ried at First Sight: Real Life and.
(N) Mar ry ing Mil lions (N) (:07) Mar ry ing Mil lions (:01) Mar ried (:31) Mar ried MSNBC 47 47 47 356 The Ra chel Maddow Show Law rence (N) The 11th Hour (N) The Ra chel Maddow Show Law rence The 11th Hour All in with Chris Hayes MTV 64 64 64 331 Cat fish: The TV Show Cat fish: The TV Show Cat fish: The TV Show (N) (:01) Are You the One? (N) (:02) Ex on the Beach (:02) Are You the One? Cat fish: The TV Show: Tay lor. NBCBA 32 32 32 696 (5:00) FIVB Beach Vol ley ball Gi ants Postgame (Re play) MLB Base ball: San Fran cisco vs Col rado (Re play) Gi ants Postgame (Re play) G-Mag Gi ants in 30 MLB Base ball (Re play) NICK 37 37 37 300 Loud House Loud House SpongeBob SquarePants Alvin and the Chip munks: The Squeakquel ac Friends Friends Friends (:35) Friends (:10) Friends (:45) Friends OXYGEN 50 50 50 251 NCIS: Triad. NCIS: Home sick. NCIS: Kill Chain. NCIS: Dou ble Back.
NCIS: Mon sters and Men. NCIS: Bul let proof. NCIS: Dressed to Kill. PARMT 71 71 71 241 Mom Mom Mom Top Gun aaa Ac tion) Tom Cruise. Pi lot trainee falls for his in struc tor.
Yel low stone: Only Dev ils. (N) (:02) Top Gun Ac tion) Tom Cruise. Pi lots in train ing. RTV 181 181 181 C.H.i.Ps: Tow Truck Lady. Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger La Femme Nikita SYFY 72 72 72 244 (4:48) Vol cano aa (:05) Ju ras sic Park Sci ence Fic tion) Sam Neill.
Liv ing di no saurs es cape cap tiv ity. Kryp ton: In Zod We Trust. (N) 47 Ronin Ac tion) Keanu Reeves. Samurais bat tle. TBS 16 16 16 247 Fam ily Guy Fam ily Guy Bur gers Bur gers Bang Bang Bang: Toast.
Bang Bang Fron tal (N) Conan (N) Full Fron tal Conan TCM 57 57 57 256 The Grapes of Wrath Henry Fonda. Al ice Does Live Here Any more aaac El len Burstyn. The Hitch-Hiker aaa Edmond The Long, Long Trailer aac Com edy) Lu cille Ball. TELEMUN 25 407 El Capo Noticias (N) Caso cerrado es (N) Un poquito tuyo Betty en NY (N) La Reina del Sur (N) Noticias (N) (:35) Titulares Betty en NY TLC 53 53 53 280 Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Dr. Pim ple Pop per (N) 90 Day Chantel Pedro: From the Be gin ning.
(N) (:02) 90 Day Hap pily Dr. Pim ple Pop per TNT 55 55 55 245 (5:45) What Hap pens in Ve gas Ash ton Kutcher. Hor ri ble Bosses aaa Com edy) Ja son Bate man. (:15) Hor ri ble Bosses 2 aaa Com edy) Ja son Bate man. Kid nap ping plot.
Ve gas TRAVEL 54 54 54 277 Para nor mal on Cam era Para nor mal on Cam era UFOs: Un cov er ing the Truth UFOs: Un cov er ing the Truth Alien High way (N) Be lieve It or Not! UFOs: Un cov er ing the Truth TRUTV 73 73 73 246 Jok ers Jok ers Jok ers Jok ers Jok ers Jok ers Jok ers Jok ers In side Jokes In side Jokes In side Jokes In side Jokes In side Jokes In side Jokes TVLAND 18 18 18 304 Andy Grif fith Andy Grif fith Andy Grif fith Andy Grif fith Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Youn ger (N) (:36) Queens (:12) Queens (:48) The King of Queens (:24) Queens USA 56 56 56 242 (:03) Law Or der: SVU (:04) Law Or der: SVU (:05) Law Or der: SVU Suits: Changed.
(N) Pearson: The Al der man. (N) Suits: Good-Bye. (:06) Pearson: The Al der man. VH1 66 66 66 335 (:55) Bas ket ball Wives Bas ket ball Wives Bas ket ball Wives (N) Girls Cruise: The Jump Off. Bas ket ball Wives Love Hip Hop At lanta (:01) Bas ket ball Wives WE 88 88 88 260 Law Or der: White Rab bit.
Law Or der: Com pe tence. Law Or der: Pre cious. Law Or der: Vir tue. Law Or der: Scoun drels. Law Or der Law Or der: Guard ian.
CINEMAX 549 549 549 516 (:15) The Hot Chick aac Com edy) Rob Schnei der. The Lost Boys Hor ror) Corey Feldman. (:40) Van Helsing aac Thriller) Hugh Jackman. Slay ers join forces. (:55) The Skulls HBO 501 501 501 504 The Meg Thriller) Ja son Statham.
To night (N) Be hind Closed Doors: The Talwars Part 2. (N) Fan tas tic Beasts: The Crimes of Grin del wald aaa Years and Years: Ep i sode 4. Espookys SHO 561 578 578 546 Re volver aac Crime) Ja son Statham. A young gam bler. The Loud est Voice: 2008.
The Me chanic Ac tion) Ja son Statham. City on a Hill: From In jus tice. The Ital ian Job Mark Wahlberg. STARZ 621 621 621 526 The Girl in the Spi aac (:02) Prince of Per sia: The Sands of Time aaa The Lone Ranger aaa Ac tion) Johnny Depp. Masked hero.
Fight ing Ac tion) Channing Tatum. MOVIES SPORTS NEWS CR-Char ter CC-Char ter Carson City, CG-Char ter Gardnerville, DT-DirecTV.