Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (2024)

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Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (2)

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.

  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.

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Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members


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Pact of the Deceived

Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (7)Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (8)Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (9)Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (10)

Zodiark [Light]

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#Constant activity
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Player Events
#Socially Active

Thinking of a new FC for Dawntrail? Look no further...

Stay a while and see if we'd be a good fit for you...

Pact of the Deceived or <PotD> are a friendly, very active group looking for adventurers new, returning and old who want to find a home with like minded people. We've got a fully kitted out FC Mansion in Empyreum (right next to the sauna!), active gaming community Discord and event schedule that includes weekly map runs (3+ groups) and current/legacy Extreme content clears (usually 2+ groups). We run 24man content as an FC (Drunken runs) which are always very popular. There's usually something going on within the FC with ad-hoc events going on too such as mount farms and relic farming. Our events are consistently oversubscribed so we just make more groups!

We're legitimately one of the most active FC's on the whole server.

We have players of all levels and abilities, so we're sure you'll feel right at home. Whether you're a WoW refugee, starting out for the first time in Eorzea as a sprout or you're looking for a forever home after playing for a while - there will be content being run all the time that'll be sure to interest you! Our EX events are a legitimate "no salt" zone. Whatever your level, first timer or veteran raider, the fun is to complete as a group and help others get better!

Places are limited (we'd like to stay around 100 - 120 members to ensure we keep our soul) but we're looking for the right members to join our ranks and join our adventures! If you pass the vibe check, you're in!

We have a massive community based Discord where people play other games together such as Dead by Daylight, League of Legends, Phasmophobia, Labarinthine, Raft, 7 Days to Die, V Rising and Valheim among others.

Things we offer:

✭ FC Experience Buff Schedule - Levelling and crafting/gathering with TP Reduction rates.
✭ Daily Roulettes (who doesn't like shorter queues with friendly players?)
✭ Large FC house in Ishgard with everything you'll possibly need from Menders to Hair Stylists.
✭ Active Discord with multiple channels that contain guides and alerts for useful content.
✭ No pressure environment, you choose your own level of involvement.
✭ SFW FC chat to keep you company for the most arduous tasks around Eorzea.
✭ Chocobo Stables for offline XP for your feathered fighting friends.
✭ Inclusion (whatever your race, gender or sexuality you're welcome in the FC)
✭ Class/Job advice - we have plenty of people who play each job to high levels
✭ Mount Farms/Legacy Content clears weekly. Often multiple groups.
✭ Treasure Maps weekly - 60/70/80/90's (lots of gil to be made!)

Whether you're looking to craft, level or hit EX trials, we're right there with you! Submit an application or get in touch with one of the officers below.

Contacts in game:
Danzil Masamune
Berry Breaker
Sakura Renatus
Pag Argentum
Sumi Astra

We hope to see you soon!

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Plot 30, 12 Ward, Empyreum (Large)

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PotD Mansion

Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Danzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

WHM main, usually found in and around hard content or the marketboard.

I've got a burning passion to help others enjoy the game that's given me so much over the years. Built Pact of the Deceived as a contrarian approach to "quantity over quality" that most FC's have, also to promote our active nature (usually over 20 people online) and provide a loose, but fair framework to ensure that everyone feels welcome with plenty of activity to get involved with.



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Miraan MorrCerberus [Chaos]

Hi! I tried sending a tell in game but it did not go through. I would like to join you FC. Is there a time when we could talk? :)


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Lazarus DarkinZodiark [Light]

Hey, I am very interested in joining you guys I am somewhat new to the game currently in the progress of leveling all jobs to 80


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Emeter Rha'lZodiark [Light]

Heya, Tried to reach out in-game but could not reach you.
Newish player, looking for a group of people to play the game with.


Alrythia CarthageRaiden [Light]

Hey! Really interested to join the FC if you're still accepting applications - I'm currently mainly playing DRG, SAM and hopefully RPR, however can also tank with WAR and DRK if need be. I've been playing the game largely solo for quite a while now, and would love a friendly, social FC to chat to while I play, and am hoping to get into high-end content in Endwalker, if an opportunity arises!

Thanks :)


Nero UlZodiark [Light]

hi can I join?


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey Nero, drop me a /tell in game!


Nero UlZodiark [Light]

Ok will check tonight


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Data DoodZodiark [Light]

Heyo, are your FC looking to take on two more? Me and a friend been playing FC-less for quite some time. Could be fun to join one for once and you guys sound like a nice bunch!


Einarr StormeAlpha [Light]

Hiya, looking to join an FC, looks like a welcoming set of players. DRG(main) since 2.0, DRK tank(on the side), SCH(second favorite), RDM if I must cast ;). Coming back after a few months off. I'll look for you guys online, but a contact would be fantastic. Thanks o/


Vavalth BabalthRaiden [Light]

Still open for admission ? Looking for a nice FC to join spend nice time and do some raids :)


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Vavalth! Send me a tell in game, would love to have ya


Vavalth BabalthRaiden [Light]

We really have a bad timing at the moment ha ha, I'm home around 9pm from work at the moment , game tells me you are in an instance and can't get whispered to and after some try's it just says you're not online anymore hahaha


Firefly VictrixZodiark [Light]

Heya! I've been a long time player and I have been FC-less for some time now, so I was wondering if I could join up with you guys ^^


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey Kaguya, feel free to send me a tell in game or submit an application!


Bella HoneyAlpha [Light]

Still recruiting? a very fresh adventurer looking for a supporting community :)


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey Bella! Send us an application in game or catch one of the officers if you can, would be great to have you on board!


Community MemberDemo OrionZodiark [Light]

Hi, I have recently returned to the game, I have several max level classes and others that I am levelling. I love to help other people and join in with community events it is my fave part of the game! I would love to be party of the FC if you would take me. Hope to hear from you soon!


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Demo, feel free to shoot me a tell in game - I'll try and find you via player search when I'm online!

Edit: Never mind, I see you joined another FC. Good luck!


Community MemberSol TerumiZodiark [Light]

hello im new to Zodiark and came from Coeurl and looking for a new FC you guys seem perfect for me i normally run lvl84 nin or 83 Dark knight and would like to join if you have spots open ^^


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey! Feel free to apply in-game or shoot me a tell, would love to have you along.


Community MemberYuri'ha ZahardZodiark [Light]

can i join manamune?


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

no ur ban


Vianne YstrideZodiark [Light]

hey i'm new to ff14, and I was looking for a free company to join if you're still open?


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Vianne, feel free to shoot me a tell when we're both on!


Community MemberTalitha AnasaziZodiark [Light]

Hey. I would like to join your FC. Returning player to FFXIV since start of EW and thought it was time to come back socially. Could you please invite me?


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Stacie, will try and send you a tell if I can catch you online


Community MemberTalitha AnasaziZodiark [Light]

Sure, I am online now if that helps.


Community MemberBarnie Po'tatoZodiark [Light]

Hi I'd love to join if there's still space!


Community MemberEzra AyeraZodiark [Light]

I'll hit you up in-game :)


Dr SmileZodiark [Light]

Hey, returning player here looking to find a friendly free company and yours sounds a lot of fun - if you can squeeze me in im sure I will be a great addition, I haven't played in a while so I am a little rusty but I am very generous and always up for helping, just hit me up


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Would love to chat - send me a tell in game and we'll see if you're a good fit.


Community MemberEzra AyeraZodiark [Light]

You can also feel free to reach out to me btw! :) whoever you catch first :)


Elyne NoirterelZodiark [Light]

Hi there! I have made this alternate character and if you still have space in your FC I would like to join. :) I would love to be a part of a large and active FC for a change.


Community MemberEzra AyeraZodiark [Light]

Hey there, shoot me a message when we're both on in-game!


Jilt VettuZodiark [Light]

Hello! Returning player here!
Took a descent size break after finishing the MSQ, and came back to see my old FC pretty dead.
I'm really liking what I read in the post, and would love to be a member of the FC.
I've been playing mmo's since 03, FFXIV since may 2021. I'm mostly a social player, as I work a full time job and don't have the time to commit to any raid schedule. If I sound like someone you would like to have / want to know something more about me I'd love to get in touch ^^


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Sounds good to me! I'll try to catch you online, but feel free to submit an application or get in touch with a staff member


M'naym IzkatSpriggan [Chaos]

Heyo, I just came back from a half a month or so break and found out my old FC kicked me ^^
And you guys sound really neat and "the most active on the server" is very enticing from what I am used to (5 ppl on max each day) ^^ If you wanna hit me up in game, I should be available 90% of the time since I am on vacation and trying to catch up with MSQ


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Aly! Be sure to try and catch someone online or submit an application, we'll get right on it.


Community MemberRobyn-lee BehrZodiark [Light]

Hey, looking to join the fc o/


Community MemberEzra AyeraZodiark [Light]

Hey Robyn, let's see that we can catch each other in game to have a chat! :)


Dark TwilightZodiark [Light]

hi i am a new player looking to join


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Dark, message me or one of the officers in-game and we'll have a chat to see if we'll be right for you!

Never mind, I saw you joined another FC. All the best!


Iskhiaro SevenirZodiark [Light]

Hey, I'm a fairly new player looking for an FC


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey! Send any of the officers a message in-game for a quick chat if you're still interested. If not, best of luck.


Community MemberHaddy LeonhartZodiark [Light]

Hey, me and couple of friends are looking to switch to Zodiark in a close future, your FC feels like a very close fit to what we we’re looking for, tried to message you guys however I got no answer due to possibly being different world.


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hi Haddy - likely the case. More than happy to chat, if I'm not around an officer will reply.


Community MemberHaddy LeonhartZodiark [Light]

One of the only reasons we would be moving over would be to join a different FC could you by chance message me on discord @Haddy#4622 ?


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Sent a friend request


Community MemberAmaya VanisisZodiark [Light]

Hey I just transfered over from an NA Server to Zodiark and would love to join your fc as one of my friends are in it and another recommends it


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey Amaya! Shoot me a message in game or catch an officer for a quick chat and invite


Major MalfunctionZodiark [Light]

Hey, I'm a returning player to the game not played in forever it seems, looking for a nice group of people to enjoy content with and make some friendships along the way.


Rex ArtisZodiark [Light]

Greetings, I am a lvl 80 WHM (playing most of the time at Eureka) and I would be glad to join your ranks. I am a positive-attidute, rare item collector and a friendly player. Your FC description really hooked me, and I would be very happy if you'll recruit me!


Savie SkyZodiark [Light]

Hello, i would like to join if possible?


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Sure - send me or an officer a /tell or submit an application for a quick chat


Rhiwion RavenholdtZodiark [Light]

Heya, I've finally decided to return to XIV after I tricked myself into a bit of a burnout deciding to go through all of the relevant patch content for ARR/HW before continuing with SB last year and while I enjoy how leisurely the game lets you play on your own, the thing I've been looking for in MMOs since my early WoW days has still eluded me: A nice hangout spot to chat in and folks to enjoy the game together with. Would love to apply and see if the vibe is right. :)


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Sure! Send me a /tell in game or submit an application


Izumi KiraFaerie [Aether]

heyo was wondering if you guys still have spots open to join? I've played majority of the game without a FC and would love to find a group of players to help me learn and clear some of the end game content with xoxo


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Sure - shoot me a tell when I'm online or contact one of the officers and they'll be happy to chat.


Nolwen LohaZodiark [Light]

idk how to apply but damn i tired of playing at this game alone-


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey, just send one of the officers in game (or me) a tell and we'll have a chat


Community MemberCookie MelodyZodiark [Light]

I would like to join but it seems like noone is currently online haha--
if its not too much of a bother.. would you mind sending a tell to me? *I will likely forget to check here later-*


Community MemberRedz HiemsZodiark [Light]

Hello, i'm a beginner to the game and would very much like an environement where i can play with people and get some tips and help as well in the meantime, i'm very enthusiastic and actif to play the game with other people and have fun !


Community MemberMoxxie DestatiZodiark [Light]

Hiya! long time player and my partner (newer player) are looking for an active FC to just chill out and play with, both fairly active on weekdays and weekends - looking for our forever home... now i feel like im putting myself up for adoption :')


Vidar KrugerZodiark [Light]

Can i join please


Veil DukeZodiark [Light]

Hey id like to join!


Rudy LaurelZodiark [Light]

Hi! Are you still accepting new players. I just started and I am learning everything. Would be nice to be part of a community. :)


Paige DevrouxZodiark [Light]

Hello! Returning player from Shb looking to join a friendly FC, always played solo but looking to actually connect!


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey Paige - send an application when you're online and we'll message you for a chat!


Community MemberMurtagh NoctZodiark [Light]

Hi! I tried to send tells, but couldn't get through.
I'm a DPS main, and I've just finished Endwalker expansion.
Since I've been mainly focusing on main quests and main side quests, there is a lot of optional content I haven't done.
I only started playing in September, and I would really enjoy joining your FC and explore the rest of the Final Fantasy XIV world while connecting with other players as well!


Community MemberDanzil MasamuneZodiark [Light]

Hey Murtagh - send an application when you're online and we'll message you for a chat!


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Recruiting Pact of the Deceived Members (Community Finder) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.