Question on Cruising Canadian Maritimes (2024)

Docked at Beaufort, NC at Jarrett Bay. Dee arrives tonight. We will provision tomorrow and then anchor out at Cape Lookout hook on Tuesday night. Weather permitting we will then run to Atlantic City. We may change our mind and go up through the Chesapeake as we have not done that in a few years, time will tell.
We expect to be in Nova Scotia by mid-July. We will anchor out in Lunenburg for a few weeks while visiting family then head east.
Look forward to catching up with Judy and you.


Jerry Fraelic
Grace of Tides – N6808

From: Milt Baker <miltbaker47@...>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:43 PM
To: DENISE JERRY FRAELIC <fraelic@...>; CruisingAtlanticCanada@...
Subject: Re: [CruisingAtlanticCanada] Re: Question on Cruising Canadian Maritimes

Many thanks, Jerry. Since you're from a local Canadian fishing family, I'm sure what you say is like gold. Much obliged.

Look forward to seeing you in Lunenburg or elsewhere this summer. We still owe you and Dee a dinner!

Where are you now?


On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 9:38 PM Denise & Jerry Fraelic <fraelic@...<mailto:fraelic@...>> wrote:
The brothers lobster in area 33 which ends May 31. This area is from the western end of the province to the eastern shore past Halifax.
Up towards Cape Breton the season is shorter and ends June 20th. So unless people are going to run outside on the eastern end of Cape Breton there should be no issue.
The Northumberland Strait between PEI and New Brunswick is an area to be concerned with as the season is a little later. Everyone uses polypropylene floating rope. Go through that area only in day light hours during season (it makes Maine look like a cake walk).


Jerry Fraelic
Grace of Tides – N6808

From: CruisingAtlanticCanada@...<mailto:CruisingAtlanticCanada@...> <CruisingAtlanticCanada@...<mailto:CruisingAtlanticCanada@...>>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:36 PM
To: Bob Arrington <bob.arrington@...<mailto:bob.arrington@...>>
Cc: CruisingAtlanticCanada@...<mailto:CruisingAtlanticCanada@...>
Subject: [CruisingAtlanticCanada] Re: Question on Cruising Canadian Maritimes

Hi Bob,

You nailed it on the lobster pots!

We normally cruise at a stately 7 knots which suits our stubby Nordhavn 47 and LWL, so headed to Canada we typically depart Southwest Harbor near first light so we have good visibility for lobster pots on the way out. Coming back, we do the opposite: we time our departure to arrive at the first lobster pots at about daybreak. According to my log from last year, we were underway from SWH at 0545 July 15, and coming back we arrived back at SWH at 0930 Aug. 29.

The lobster pot outer limit, which can change from year to year, is in depths of about 400 feet. I use this waypoint for planning and it's worked every year from 2013, but caveat emptor: 44-04.135N 067-46.120W. Since you're headed for Shelburne, that waypoint may not work for you but if you look for a 400-foot spot along your track with nothing shallower ahead you'll do just fine.

And, yes, the lobster pots are hauled and put ashore for the summer in Nova Scotia. I've forgotten whether it's June 1 or July 1, but either way out timetable works. It's a blessed relief to have no pots for most of the summer.

With the prevailing sou'westerlies, we generally aim to make our easting by doing non-stops, overnighters, from SWH to Lunenburg and from Halifax to St. Peters with the wind on the from astern or on the quarter, then dawdle along to weather in day hops on the way back. We've stopped in Shelburne several times--a nice town but it adds miles to the overall trip in either direction. Coming back, we usually do day cruises along the E coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Canso to Halifax or Lunenburg, then try to find a weather window to run nonstop from somewhere near Halifax back to SWH in the fall. If we don't find that, we stop along the way.

Lots of different strategies work. Our tubby N47 doesn't like to go to weather, so we try to avoid wind and sea on the nose.

If you plan to stay at Dysarts, the only marina in SWH, try to make your reservations ahead. When we arrived here at Dysarts about 10 days ago the marina was about 40% full. Now it's about 65% full and getting fuller every day. They honor reservations and are understanding about late arrivals and weather. There are mooring available in SWH too. ActiveCaptain is a good guide to facilities here.

Look forward to seeing you!


On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 5:34 PM Bob Arrington <bob.arrington@...<mailto:bob.arrington@...>> wrote:
Hi Milt,

As this is our first time making this run, we have a question for you. I understand you are planning an overnight to Lunenburg. May I assume you plan a daylight departure from Southwest Harbor partly in order to see lobster pots? Is your experience that you are clear of Maine (lobster pot) waters before darkness and once clear, you no longer worry about lobster pots the rest of the run into Canadian waters? I understand they are out of lobster season in the areas and time we will be there.

Trixie and Liberdade are still on schedule to depart Belfast one week from today and go to Southwest Harbor, we will take the first weather window we have to depart Southwest Harbor for Shelburne.

We look forward to seeing you along the way.

Feel free to answer this within the forum, if you feel there is benefit to the first timers in the group hearing the answer.

Thank you,

Bob Arrington
M: 410 598-8568

On Jun 14, 2018, at 8:37 AM, Milt Baker <miltbaker47@...<mailto:miltbaker47@...>> wrote:
Hi Bob,

I knew your name seemed familiar, and it’s no doubt because I’ve seen your byline in PassageMaker and elsewhere dozens of times. In fact, we were probably on the PMM masthead at the same time—I was their book reviewer for two or three years. And, yes, I did have something to do with Bluewater Books & Charts—my wife Judy and I founded that company in 1986 and ran it until we sold it to the current owners in 2000. In fact, it was through Bluewater that I met Pete Trogden. The yachting world is a small one!

There’s nothing sacred about July 15 as a date to begin a cruise in the Maritimes. I’ve been there much earlier, but after a few years we settled in on that date because the probability of good weather is higher then vs. earlier. As you know, every year is different and there are no promises. We feel the same about leaving Nova Scotia by about Sept. 1. It’s easy to be charmed by the Indian summer weather in September, but fall gales can whistle can up in a heartbeat from Sept. 1 onward so a return date of Sep. 1 is our norm. But whether it’s the start of the end of the cruise, we always make it a point to await a good weather window.

I had assumed you’d stop at PEI since it’s right smack in the usual route from the Canso Canal to the Magdelans. The Montague River does make a very nice respite.

The Cruising Atlantic Canada forum is certainly not a highly active group, but in past years it’s served well for coordination and sharing information. I hope you’ll find it useful and add to it, sharing some of what you experience this summer.

Based on what you said, I will not add your boat or Bob’s to the list on the group. Nonetheless, I hope we cross paths this summer.

Best wishes for a great summer of cruising in the Maritimes!


On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 20:45 Bob Arrington <bob.arrington@...<mailto:bob.arrington@...>> wrote:
Hi Milt,

Thank you for the invitation and additional information on your group. I did receive the invitation and accepted it. Coincidentally the friends with whom we are traveling are in a 76’ Nordhavn “Trixie”. Our plans are to go over on or around July 1st, with an overnight from Southwest Harbor to Shelburne, then working our way towards Bras d’Or. We may stop briefly in Halifax on the way up but will save it for the trip back in August to spend time at the downtown wharf exploring the city.

A question for you on timing, you are not going until the 15th, we’ve heard of others also not going until the 15th. Is there something we should know that we don’t? Is there a reason we should not start as early as July 1st?

The Magdalen’s have a strong pull on me, but I will wait until we get up there to see if we will try to fit them into this trip. We do not have PEI in our plans for this trip.

I like the way you have your group loosely organized, that appeals to our style of cruising. We will probably pass on being included in your group this time around, but we appreciate the invitation. I do look forward to learning from the experience of this group through the forum.

It’s likely our paths will cross some time over the summer, I look forward to meeting you. Our boat name is Liberdade, here is a photo:
That’s BJoyce in front of us in the picture, within Nordhavn circles you may know the boat or owner Bob Tetrault.

Curious, were you ever involved with Bluewater Books & Charts?

Thank you again,

Bob Arrington
M: 410 598-8568<mailto:bob.arrington@...>

On Jun 13, 2018, at 3:57 PM, Milt Baker <miltbaker47@...<mailto:miltbaker47@...>> wrote:
Hi Bob,

We've cruised in the Canadian Maritimes several summers, and I put together an online group for others cruising there in powerboats. It's quite small, just 60 members, and you may find some of the resource materials there useful. I've just sent you an invitation to join. It'll come to you from Yahoo Groups and, based on lots of experience with Yahoo Groups, I'll warn you: if you cannot find the invitation, please check your spam folder--such invitations often get sent there.

There is a 2015 cruising guide to the Gulf of St. Lawrence by Jim Evans. I have his 2010 edition and IMHO it wasn't terrific, but it's better than nothing. That book should be available now. Check with Amazon or Bluewater Books & Charts.

If you're going to PEI, my recommendation is book a slip at Montague Marina, at the end of the long and winding river Montague River. It's the best-protected marina on PEI for a boat the size of yours. We took two Nordhavn 47s there last summer and stayed for two weeks. We rented a car in Charlottetown and had a great time seeing the island. The rental cars are all in Charlottetown, so getting in to pick up a car requires some ingenuity or dollars. We found PEI easy to fall in love with.

Weather permitting we plan to leave Southwest Harbor for an overnight to Lunenburg about July 15, spend a few nights there, then move over to one of the wharves in downtown Halifax for about a week, then another overnight up to the Bras d'Or Lakes. From there we're not sure--either remain on the lakes or cruise up to the south coast of Newfoundland. We have about 15 boats from 38 to 78 feet, all but two Nordhavns, and our summer cruise is very loose: no firm itinerary, no must-do events, no fleet captain or admiral, each skipper responsible for his own navigation and reservations, just a laid-back summer and a good opportunity for easy cruising in the Maritimes. A couple of our skippers want to head up iceberg alley on the west coast of Newfoundland in search of icebergs. Each skipper is free to do as he wishes. It's definitely a no-rules cruise. Feel free to join in if you wish to. If you decide to do so, just let me know and I'll add you to the list.

Hope this helps!


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 9:40 PM, Bob Arrington <bob.arrington@...<mailto:bob.arrington@...>> wrote:
Hi Milt,

Thank you for answering Peter’s question for me.

As Peter mentioned my wife and I are in currently in Boothbay. We’re going up to Belfast next week to meet with another boat then heading to Nova Scotia for the months of July and August.

I know Cheryl and her great cruising guides. Unfortunately her book that covers Nova Scotia and the Magdalen’s is currently out of print and being updated, she said the new one would not be out until later this year.

I would be curious to hear more about the Cruising Atlantic Canada group to which you referred. Please let me know how I can learn more.

Thank you,

Bob Arrington
M: 410 598-8568

On Jun 12, 2018, at 9:15 PM, Peter Trogdon <trogdon@...<mailto:trogdon@...>> wrote:
Hi Bob,
Read below from Milt Baker. Feel free to reach out to Milt.
Enjoy your time in Maine it’s a special place for boats.

Peter Trogdon
Download my contact information.

Weems & Plath | Conant
214 Eastern Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403<>
main – 800.638.0428 | office – 410.263.6700 x16 | fax – 410.268.8713
trogdon@...<mailto:trogdon@...> |<> |<>
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From: Milt Baker [mailto:miltbaker47@...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 5:20 PM
To: Peter Trogdon <trogdon@...<mailto:trogdon@...>>
Subject: Re: Magdalen Islands?

Hi Peter,

Sorry, but we have not cruised in Quebec's Magdelan Islands. I remember talking to a fellow CCA member who cruised there some years ago and enjoyed it, but he noted it was very much off the beaten path and had very little in the way of facilities.

One of Cheryl Barr's cruising guides covers the islands.

Please feel free to have you friend Bob contact me if he'd like to join our Cruising Atlantic Canada group.

All best wishes,


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:05 PM, Peter Trogdon <trogdon@...<mailto:trogdon@...>> wrote:
Hi Milt,

I hope you are doing well and this finds you and Judy in Maine.
My friend Bob Arrington and his wife are in Booth Bay Harbor and in a few weeks heading to Nova Scotia and the Magdalen Islands on their Ocean Alexander. Bob is looking for any information he can get. Have you been to the Magdalen Islands and would you be willing to share information?


Peter Trogdon
Download my contact information.

Weems & Plath | Conant
214 Eastern Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403<>
main – 800.638.0428 | office – 410.263.6700 x16 | fax – 410.268.8713
trogdon@...<mailto:trogdon@...> |<> |<>
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Sent from My iPhone . . . my apologies for any typos.

Question on Cruising Canadian Maritimes (2024)
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