Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (2024)



Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (14) Recommended

PvP Amulet & Rune

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (51)

Berserker Amulet

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (52)

Rune of the Warrior

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (53)

Relic of Peitha

Weapons & Sigils

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (54) Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (55) Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (56)

GreatswordSigil of ExploitationSigil of Battle

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (57) Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (58)

SwordSigil of Energy

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (59) Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (60)

SwordSigil of Cleansing

Utility Skills



Target Stats

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (86)1000Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (87)1000Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (88)1000Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (89)1000Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (90)0Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (91)0Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (92)0Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (93)0
Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (94)Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (95)1000Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (96)15922Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (97)5%Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (98)150%Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (99)0Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (100)0%Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (101)0%

Power Willbender is a roamer that excels at skirmishing, outnumbering, sticking to and bursting targets given its high mobility and damage and has excellent tools to stay alive.


Our main role is to generate as many kills as possible in teamfights and outnumbers.
With willbender our virtues are now all movement skills, making us very mobile.
Use your virtues procs and high damage to run down enemies that cannot afford to trade blows with you.

Quick Tips


Willbender heavily relies on modifiers to reach its full damage potential. The important sources of damage amplification are (activating Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (117)Retribution and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (118)Righteous Instincts and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (119)Relic[s] of the Brawler), (activating Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (120)Unscathed Contender), and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (121)Lethal Tempo, which is applied when activating a virtue or triggering the passive effect of a previously activated Virtue (Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (122)Rushing Justice, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (123)Flowing Resolve, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (124)Crashing Courage).

To maintain these modifiers, there are a couple of aspects to keep in mind:

  1. Use your teleportation skills as often as possible to set up damage, since they constantly reapply through Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (125)Vanguard Tactics.
  2. Use your Virtues (Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (126)Rushing Justice, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (127)Flowing Resolve, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (128)Crashing Courage) liberally. They not only provide additional through Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (129)Virtue of Resolution, but also prevent your empowered Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (130)Lethal Tempo stacks from running out. While the Willbender Flames left behind after the use of every Virtue already help with activating the lingering effects, it’s perfectly reasonable to Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (131)Flowing Resolve between bursts to maintain Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (132)Lethal Tempo stacks.

Greatsword is a burst heavy weapon with great AoE pressure.

  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (133)Symbol of Resolution is your weakest skill but it’s great for cleaving, make sure to cancel its after-cast by moving or casting another skill.
  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (134)Whirling Wrath is a very high burst skill. Ideally use it on disabled targets that will be forced to tank the entire thing. Casting it inside the hitbox of an enemy will be extra deadly because of the projectiles it fires.
  • Try to land Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (135)Binding Blade early, as it does decent power damage over time, and allows you to Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (136)Pull enemies that are blocking or evading, interrupting their defensive as long as they don’t have .
  • Use Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (137)Leap of Faith to catch up to an enemy getting away. Hits quite hard and applies and heals you.
  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (138)Strike‘s 3rd attack actually hits quite hard. If you can, finish the auto chain.

Swords have good catchup and single target damage.

  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (139)Executioner's Calling is your highest burst skill on this kit. make sure to hit the second strike.
  • Use Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (140)Advancing Strike to catch up, applying to setup further burst, nice damage and preventing your target from retaliating.
    It’s also ashadowstep and will therefore apply .
  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (141)Zealot's Defense has great damage but bad tracking, so use it up close and personal only.
  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (142)Symbol of Blades is a very good gap closer and applies a to prevent counter pressure.
  • Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (143)Sword of Wrath has decent damage on its 3rd strike. If you can, finish the chain.

Apart from maintaining Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (144)Lethal Tempo, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (145)Crashing Courage is a great gap closer and source of and , allowing you to run down enemies that can’t defend themselves from your high damage output.

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (146)Rushing Justice also is a great gap closer and deals high damage. Beware of the animation locking.

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (147)Whirling Light compliments both weapon sets. It’s just a great area damage skill that is hard to avoid and should be used as often as possible.

Refer to the rotation segment for some burst ideas.


Willbender has excellent mobility, one of the highest in the game. The only minor drawback being most skills requiring a target. As for mobility that can be used with or without a target, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (148)Leap of Faith, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (149)Crashing Courage, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (150)Advancing Strike, and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (151)Rushing Justice are your best options – although Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (152)Advancing Strike will not teleport you after the dash if you have no target or the target is too far away and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (153)Rushing Justice requires you to cancel its aftercast in order to fully utilize it for mobility.

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (154)Symbol of Blades is excellent for vertical mobility on maps like Khylo, since it has a decently short CD and will teleport you in your target’s direction, even if the target itself is out of range.

The main takeaways to mastering Willbender’s mobility are:

  1. Make sure you’re ‘detargeting’ before using skills like Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (155)Leap of Faith. If you have a target when they are activated, you will move in the direction of your target instead of the direction of your character. To detarget, just left click somewhere that isn’t an enemy player. If that doesn’t work, make sure you have “Autotargetting” ticked off under your combat settings.
  2. Like a Revenant, Willbender has much better mobility if your team calls targets. Use your ‘take target’ keybind to get into and out of fights much faster with Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (156)Symbol of Blades and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (157)Judge's Intervention.
  3. Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (158)Rushing Justice is also a good mobility tool, but it requires some extra steps to get the full advantage from it.Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (159)Rushing Justice has an ‘aftercast’, meaning you’re locked into place in an extra animation after you’ve finished moving forward. To get around this, simply Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (160) Weapon Swap after you’ve moved forward to skip the extra animation.

Sustain and Healing

Willbender has access to decent healing and self-sustain on its own – although Willbender’s Virtues variant is best paired with a Support Build in teamfights to not run out of resustain too fast. Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (161)Reversal of Fortune provides significant healing on a short cooldown, but only if you take damage in the time window. Thanks to Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (162)Virtue of Resolution, Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (163)Vanguard Tactics , and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (164)Symbol of Resolution , Willbender has almost permanent uptime which provides 33% condition damage reduction. Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (165)Crashing Courage is an important repositioning tool that also grants to allies thanks to Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (166)Indomitable Courage.

Try to time Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (167)Reversal of Fortune so that it negates a significant damaging ability such as Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (168)Dragon Triggeror Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (169)Maul to get the most value.

Willbender has decent condition cleanse from the combination of Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (170)Absolute Resolve and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (171)Flowing Resolve. Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (172)Flowing Resolve removes up to three conditions on each activation from you and your allies – as well as all movement-impairing conditions from yourself; it can be used either to cleanse yourself or your teammates. Your most powerful cleanse comes from Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (173)Contemplation of Purity. Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (174)Contemplation of Purity is not only a stunbreak, but also converts all conditions on you into boons. This can be very powerful if you’re getting locked down by classes like Necromancer, Mesmer, or Ranger.

While pressuring the opponent, the lingering effects of Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (175)Flowing Resolve and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (176)Crashing Courage can greatly reduce the pressure taken through resustaining with Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (177)Flowing Resolve or defensive boons from Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (178)Crashing Courage. Especially when cleaving downed enemies, it’s a great idea to dash over (Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (179)Flowing Resolve) or teleport onto (Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (180)Crashing Courage) them to not only deal additional damage with your Willbender Flames, but also to stay healthy.

Lastly, make sure to take advantage of Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (181)Flowing Resolve and Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (182)Crashing Courage before you use Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (183)Renewed Focus. The invulnerability and reset on Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (184)Flowing Resolve is one of your best disengage tools, allowing Willbender to extend into the enemy more than most other roamers can as long as it has its Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (185)Renewed Focus ready to fully restock its defensive CDs and get out safely afterward.


Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (186)Signet of Resolve is viable into condition heavy games but is significantly worse into power matchups.

Power Willbender Build (PvP) - Hardstuck (187)Rune[s] of Vampirism is viable for more damage.

Power Willbender Build (PvP)  - Hardstuck (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.