Optimal Settings for Simulation Distance in Minecraft: PC Specs Guide | Techcritix (2024)

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways: Understanding Simulation Distance in Minecraft Singleplayer Mode Ideal Simulation Distance for Servers Simulation Distance in Bedrock Edition Control Tick Updates Spawning and Despawning Mob Cap Simulation Distance in Java Edition Entity Visibility Simulation Distance Setting Optimal Simulation Distance Recommended Simulation Distance Settings Recommended Simulation Distance Settings for Different PC Specs Additional Tips for Optimal Simulation Distance: Optimizing Minecraft Simulation Distance for Better Performance Understanding Simulation Distance in Minecraft Recommended Simulation Distance Settings Tips for Optimizing Minecraft Simulation Distance Adjusting Simulation Distance for Better Performance in Minecraft Optimal Simulation Distance Settings Adjusting Simulation Distance Other Tips for Better Performance Discover the optimal maximum simulation distance for a smooth and immersive gameplay experience in Minecraft Singleplayer Mode Ideal Simulation Distance for Servers Considerations for Performance Mods Recommended Maximum Simulation Distance Optimizing Simulation Distance Conclusion Find the ideal simulation distance based on your computer specifications to maximize gameplay performance in Minecraft System Requirements Understanding Simulation Distance Determining Ideal Simulation Distance Optimizing Simulation Distance Monitoring Performance Conclusion Achieving Optimal Minecraft Simulation Distance on Various PCs Understanding PC Specifications Recommended Simulation Distance Settings Tips for Optimization Adjusting Simulation Distance The Impact on Multiplayer Servers Conclusion Improving Minecraft Simulation Distance for Better Visuals and Performance 1. Use Rubidium or Sodium instead of OptiFine 2. Install Starlight for Improved Lighting Engine 3. Reduce RAM Usage with FerriteCore and Saturn 4. Utilize Entity Culling or Rubidium’s Culling Option 5. Adjust Render Distance and Simulation Distance Settings 6. Disable Mipmapping in Video Settings 7. Optimize PC Power Settings and Java Version 8. Close Background Programs and Tabs 9. Pre-Generate Chunks with Chunk-Pregenerator 10. Use Performance Monitoring Mods 11. Use Compact Machines for Lag-Intensive Contraptions Tailor the simulation distance settings in Minecraft to optimize performance based on your PC’s capabilities Understanding Simulation Distance Setting Simulation Distance for Singleplayer Mode Optimizing Simulation Distance for Multiplayer Servers and Realms Customizing Simulation Distance Settings Other Factors Impacting Performance Conclusion Understand how simulation distance affects Minecraft server performance and discover ways to optimize it Control Tick Updates Spawning and Despawning Entity Visibility Optimizing Simulation Distance The Impact on Minecraft Server Performance Considerations for Realms and Multiplayer Servers Performance Mods and Tools Conclusion Considerations for Realms and Multiplayer Servers Server Performance Player Density Hardware and Network Resources Communication and Collaboration Example: Recommended Simulation Distances Conclusion Enhance simulation distance optimization in Minecraft with these performance mods and tools Performance Mods and Tools Conclusion Conclusion FAQ Q: What is simulation distance in Minecraft? Q: How does simulation distance impact Minecraft performance? Q: How can I adjust the simulation distance settings in Minecraft? Q: What are the recommended simulation distance settings for different PC specs? Q: How can I improve Minecraft performance by optimizing simulation distance? Q: Are there any considerations for simulation distance on multiplayer servers? Q: What are some performance mods and tools that can optimize simulation distance in Minecraft? Q: What is the ideal simulation distance for Minecraft? Q: How can I customize simulation distance settings to match my PC capabilities? Related Related posts:

Welcome to our guide on finding theoptimal settings for simulation distance in Minecraftbased on your PC specs.Simulation distanceis an important aspect of the game that affectsperformanceand gameplay experience. By adjusting thesimulation distancesettings, you can balance visual quality andsmooth gameplay. In this guide, we will explore the different aspects ofsimulation distanceand provide recommendations for achieving the best settings on various PC specifications.

Key Takeaways:

  • Simulation distance in Minecraftdetermines the distance at which entities get updated and blocks are ticked.
  • The optimal simulation distance varies based on your PC specs, including CPU and RAM.
  • Higher simulation distance settings can result inbetter visualsbut may impactperformance.
  • Adjusting simulation distance can help optimize gameplay experience and reduce lag.
  • Consideration should be given tomultiplayer serversand their impact on simulation distance.

Understanding Simulation Distance in Minecraft

Simulation distance in Minecraftis avideo settingthat controls the distance at which entities are updated and blocks are ticked. It determines how far away things can be while the game continues to simulate processes such as items smelting in furnaces and mobs thinking and having AI. The simulation distance setting is crucial in maintaining efficient gameplay andperformance.

Singleplayer Mode

In singleplayer mode, the simulation distance setting only affects the player’s computer, as the game calculates and simulates processes for a single person. It is recommended to set the simulation distance as high as the computer can handle without causing game stuttering. However, it’s important to note that any farms or AFK activities outside the simulation distance will cease to function. So, players can stack farms vertically within the simulation distance to maximize their effectiveness.

Ideal Simulation Distance for Servers

Inmultiplayer serversandrealms, the simulation distance setting can have a significant impact on performance. Since the server has to calculate and simulate processes for all players, setting the simulation distance too high can result in noticeable lag, especially when players are spread out in different areas of the world.

It is recommended to keep the simulation distance as low as possible on servers to minimize potential lag. Server administrators can also enforce a simulation distance cap to ensure optimal performance. By keeping players closer together, the server can handle the calculations more efficiently and provide a smoother gameplay experience for everyone.

Large simulation distances are manageable as long as players remain near one another. However, if each player has a high simulation distance and they are all in different areas, the server’s performance may suffer.

Simulation Distance in Bedrock Edition

InBedrock Edition, you have the ability tocontrolthe simulation distance settings, which can greatly impact your gameplay experience. By adjusting these settings, you can optimize the performance andvisualsof your Minecraft world.


Simulation distancecontrolcan be found in the settings page when creating a new world. The values that can be set range from 4 to 12 in increments of 2 (even numbers only). This allows you to fine-tune the simulation distance to meet your specific needs and preferences.

Tick Updates

The simulation distance setting determines the maximum chunk distance in which entities get updated and blocks and fluids are ticked. It is important to note that simulation distance is not a Euclidean distance, but rather a taxicab distance inBedrock Edition. This means that the distance is calculated based on the number of chunks rather than the actual physical distance.

Tick updatesinclude the random ticking of various in-game elements such as crops and amethysts. The simulation distance is purely chunk-based and does not depend on the player’s position within the chunk.

Pure redstone circuits continue to function infinitely far away, but may experience issues when interacting with hoppers, pistons, observers, and other components that requiretick updates.

Spawning and Despawning

The simulation distance setting also affects thespawning and despawningof mobs in your Minecraft world. The minimum spawning distance is 24 blocks (Euclidean distance) from the player. The maximumspawning and despawningdistances are determined by the simulation distance, which creates a quasi-spherical shell around the player.

Within the simulation distance, there is an 11/2000 chance of the mob spawning algorithm attempting to run per chunk, per tick. The specific ranges forspawning and despawningare as follows:

Simulation DistanceSpawning RangeRandom Despawn RangeInstant Despawn Range
424-44 blocks34-44 blocks>44 blocks from nearest player
624-128 blocks, except in chunks bordering unloaded chunks34-128 blocks if no damage taken within last 30 seconds>128 blocks, or when entering a chunk on the edge of the simulation distance
8-1224-128 blocks, except in chunks bordering unloaded chunks and chunks with a center more than 96 blocks away

It is important to note that mobs with persistence do not despawn regardless of the simulation distance setting. Additionally, fish always despawn when they are more than 40 blocks away from the nearest player.

Mob Cap

The simulation distance also affects themob capin your Minecraft world. Mobs in chunks outside of the ticking area still count towards the per-mob populationcontrolcaps as long as they were previously loaded within the simulation distance at some point.

By understanding and adjusting the simulation distance settings inBedrock Edition, you can have better control over mob spawning and despawning, as well as optimize the performance of your Minecraft world.

Simulation Distance in Java Edition

InJava Edition, simulation distance plays a role in determining the visibility of entities in the game. It defines a square region of chunks around the player where entities are ticked and updated. The simulation distance setting can be adjusted to optimize gameplay performance based on the player’s computer specifications.

Entity Visibility

Not all entities within the loaded and visible chunks are displayed to the player. There are three criteria that determine the visibility of entities inJava Edition:

  1. The server does not send any information about an entity to the client if the entity is beyond a certain distance from the player. This distance is controlled by the “entity-broadcast-range-percentage” setting in the server.properties file.
  2. The client does not render entities based on the “Render distance” and “Entity distance” video settings. Therender distance, multiplied by a magic number and scaled by the “entity distance” percentage, determines the radius in blocks for a sphere around the player beyond which entities are hidden. For example, with arender distanceof 10 and 100% entity distance, a skeleton disappears from view if the player stands more than 85 blocks directly above it. The magic number varies for different types of mobs.
  3. The client has a hard visibility limit of 128 blocks horizontally, defining another circular column. Entities are displayed only if they are inside the intersection of this sphere and two cylinders.

Simulation Distance Setting

The simulation distance setting inJava Editiondetermines the range in which entities are ticked and updated. It is ideally set to a value less than therender distancebecause updating all entities within the simulation distance can have a greater impact on performance than rendering them. By adjusting the simulation distance, players can optimize the visibility and performance of entities in the game.

Optimal Simulation Distance

The optimal simulation distance depends on the player’s computer specifications. Higher-spec computers can handle larger simulation distances, allowing for a larger range of ticked entities. Players with lower-spec computers may need to reduce the simulation distance to improve performance.

Recommended Simulation Distance Settings

It is recommended to start with a simulation distance value between 6 and 12 and adjust it based on the performance of the game. Lower values may improve performance but could limit the visibility of entities, while higher values may provide better visibility but could impact performance.

Simulation Distance ValueRecommended Use Case
6Lower-spec computers or when performance needs improvement
12Higher-spec computers or when visibility is a priority

Players can experiment with different simulation distance values to find the optimal setting for their specific computer specifications and gameplay preferences.

Recommended Simulation Distance Settings for Different PC Specs

Achieving the optimal simulation distance in Minecraft depends on your PC specs. Adjusting the simulation distance settings can significantly improve performance and ensure asmooth gameplayexperience. Here are somerecommended simulation distance settingsbased on different PC specifications:

PC SpecsRecommended Simulation Distance
Low-end PC4-6 chunks
Mid-range PC8-10 chunks
High-end PC12-14 chunks

These recommendations are based on the general performance capabilities of different PC specifications. Adjusting the simulation distance within these ranges can help optimize the game for smoother gameplay andbetter visuals.

Additional Tips for Optimal Simulation Distance:

  • Consider the amount of available RAM in your PC. Higher simulation distances require more memory to render and simulate the game world. If you have limited RAM, it is advisable to keep the simulation distance on the lower end of the recommended range.
  • Take into account the processing power of your CPU. Higher simulation distances require more processing power to handle the increased number of entities and calculations. If you have a lower-end CPU, it is advisable to keep the simulation distance on the lower end of the recommended range.
  • Experiment with different simulation distance settings to find the balance between performance and visual quality that suits your preferences. Keep in mind that increasing the simulation distance too much may result in decreased performance or lag.

By adjusting the simulation distance settings based on your PC specs, you can ensuresmooth gameplayand optimize the performance of Minecraft. Experiment with different settings to find the optimal simulation distance for your specific setup.

Optimizing Minecraft Simulation Distance for Better Performance

Want to enhance your Minecraft experience? Here are some tips to optimize the simulation distance forbetter performance.

Understanding Simulation Distance in Minecraft

Simulation distance in Minecraft refers to the setting that determines how far away things can be while the game continues to run processes and AI calculations. It affects various aspects of the game, such as item smelting, mob AI, and block ticking.

Recommended Simulation Distance Settings

When it comes to optimizing simulation distance, the ideal settings may vary depending on your PC specs. Here are some recommendations:

PC SpecsRecommended Simulation Distance
Low-end PC6-8 chunks
Mid-range PC8-10 chunks
High-end PC10-12 chunks

Tips for Optimizing Minecraft Simulation Distance

  • Adjust render distance: Lowering the render distance can help increase performance, as it limits the number of chunks that need to be loaded.
  • Allocate more RAM: Increasing the amount of RAM allocated to Minecraft can improve simulation distance and overall performance.
  • Useperformance mods: Consider installing mods like Rubidium, Saturn, and Canary to optimize simulation distance and reduce resource usage.

“Don’t use OptiFine. For 1.18.2, Forge, install Rubidium, Rubidium Extras, Starlight, FerriteCore, Saturn, Entity Culling, Better Fps – Render Distance, Entity Collision FPS Fix, Canary, FastWorkbench, FastFurnace, FastSuite, Server Performance – Smooth Chunk Save, ISNT, Let Me Despawn, AI Improvements, Clumps, LazyDFU, FPS Reducer, Observable, and spark.”

By following these optimization tips, you can achievebetter performanceand enjoy a smoother gameplay experience in Minecraft.

Adjusting Simulation Distance for Better Performance in Minecraft

Fine-tuning your simulation distance settings can significantly improve both the performance andvisualsof Minecraft. Simulation distance is a crucial aspect of the game that controls how far away things can be while the game continues to simulate processes such as item smelting and mob AI. Setting the simulation distance too high can lead to lag and performance issues, while setting it too low may result in limited visibility and reduced gameplay experience.

Optimal Simulation Distance Settings

Optimal simulation distance settings vary depending on your computer specifications and the type of gameplay experience you desire. Adjusting the simulation distance based on your PC capabilities can help strike a balance between performance andvisuals. Here are somerecommended simulation distance settings:

PC SpecsRecommended Simulation Distance
Low-end PC6-8 chunks
Mid-range PC10-12 chunks
High-end PC14-16 chunks

It’s important to note that these recommendations can vary based on personal preferences and the specific version of Minecraft you’re playing. Experimenting with different simulation distance settings can help you find the optimal balance for your gameplay experience.

Adjusting Simulation Distance

To adjust the simulation distance in Minecraft, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Minecraft and go to the “Video Settings” menu.
  2. Locate the “Simulation Distance” option.
  3. Drag the slider or adjust the value to the desired simulation distance.
  4. Click “Done” to save the changes.

Remember to consider your computer’s capabilities and the impact on performance when adjusting the simulation distance. It’s recommended to start with a lower value and gradually increase it until you find the optimal balance between performance and visuals.

Other Tips for Better Performance

In addition to adjusting the simulation distance, here are some other tips to optimize Minecraft performance:

  • Set your PC’s power mode to high performance to maximize processing power.
  • Close unnecessary background programs to free up system resources.
  • Update to the latest version of Java to ensure optimal performance.
  • Lower the render distance to reduce the load on your PC.
  • Disable resource-intensive graphics settings such as mipmapping and real-time shadows.
  • Installperformance modsand tools that can help optimize simulation distance and overall game performance.

By implementing these tips and adjusting the simulation distance, you can achieve smoother gameplay andbetter visualsin Minecraft.

Discover the optimal maximum simulation distance for a smooth and immersive gameplay experience in Minecraft

Simulation distance is a crucial setting in Minecraft that determines how far away objects and entities can be while still being processed by the game. Finding the optimalmaximum simulation distanceis key to achieving a smooth and immersive gameplay experience. Let’s explore theideal simulation distancefor different scenarios and how it impacts the game.

Singleplayer Mode

In singleplayer mode, the game only needs to calculate and simulate the actions for one player. This means that the simulation distance can be set as high as the player’s computer can handle without causing any lag or performance issues. It’s important to note that any farms or automated systems outside the simulation distance will cease to function. However, players can stack farms vertically within the same chunk to bypass this limitation.

Ideal Simulation Distance for Servers

For multiplayer servers andrealms, the optimal simulation distance depends on various factors. If the server is hosted by a player, it’s recommended to keep the simulation distance as low as possible to avoid excessive lag. When multiple players have their simulation distances set to high values and are in different areas of the world, it can strain the server’s performance. Enforcing a simulation distance cap or setting it to a moderate value can help maintain a smooth gameplay experience for all players.

Considerations for Performance Mods

In addition to adjusting the simulation distance, players can also utilizeperformance modsto optimize their Minecraft experience. Mods such as Rubidium, Starlight, and Canary offer various optimizations that can improve frame rate and server-side performance. These mods can help reduce RAM usage, improve lighting engine performance, and optimize block ticking and mob AI.

Recommended Maximum Simulation Distance

Based on player experiences and performance testing, it’s generally recommended to set themaximum simulation distancebetween 8 and 12 chunks for a smooth gameplay experience. However, the ideal distance may vary depending on the specifications of your computer and the overall complexity of your Minecraft world. Finding the balance between visual fidelity and performance is key.

Computer SpecificationsIdeal Simulation Distance
Low-End PC8 chunks
Mid-Range PC10 chunks
High-End PC12 chunks

Optimizing Simulation Distance

To achieve the best performance and visuals, consider the following tips for optimizing your simulation distance:

  • Adjust the simulation distance based on your PC’s capabilities and the complexity of your Minecraft world.
  • Turn down the render distance to reduce the load on your computer.
  • Disable unnecessary visual effects and shaders.
  • Close background programs and limit browser tabs to free up system resources.
  • Use performance mods and tools to further optimize your simulation distance.

“Don’t use OptiFine. Instead, try using Rubidium, Starlight, and other performance mods to improve your Minecraft experience.” – Minecraft player


Finding the optimalmaximum simulation distanceis crucial for a smooth and immersive gameplay experience in Minecraft. By adjusting the simulation distance based on your PC’s capabilities and utilizing performance mods, you can strike the perfect balance between performance and visual quality. Experiment with different settings to find the best configuration for your specific setup and enjoy Minecraft to its fullest potential.

Find the ideal simulation distance based on your computer specifications to maximize gameplay performance in Minecraft

In Minecraft, the simulation distance setting plays a crucial role in determining the performance of the game. It controls how far away objects and entities are simulated, such as mobs, items, and block updates. Having the optimal simulation distance for your computer specifications can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. Here’s a guide on how to determine theideal simulation distancebased on your computer’s capabilities:

System Requirements

Before diving into simulation distance settings, it’s important to ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for Minecraft. These requirements can vary depending on the version of Minecraft you’re playing. Make sure your computer has the necessary CPU, RAM, and GPU to run the game smoothly.

Understanding Simulation Distance

Simulation distance determines how far away objects are rendered and simulated in the game. It affects various aspects such as mob spawning, block ticking, andentity visibility. Higher simulation distances require more processing power, so finding the right balance is crucial for optimal performance.

Determining Ideal Simulation Distance

Theideal simulation distancefor your computer can depend on factors such as CPU speed, available RAM, and GPU capabilities. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. If you have a low-end or older computer with limited resources, it’s recommended to keep the simulation distance on the lower side, around 4 to 8 chunks. This will help reduce the strain on your system and provide a smoother gameplay experience.
  2. For mid-range computers with decent specifications, a simulation distance of 8 to 12 chunks is a good starting point. This should balance performance and visual quality effectively.
  3. High-end gaming PCs with powerful CPUs, ample RAM, and high-end GPUs can handle higher simulation distances, ranging from 12 to 16 or even higher. This will allow for greater rendering distances and more detailed simulations.

It’s important to note that these are general recommendations, and your specific hardware capabilities may vary. It’s recommended to experiment with different simulation distances and find the setting that provides the best balance between performance and visuals for your particular computer.

Optimizing Simulation Distance

To further optimize your simulation distance forbetter performance, consider the following tips:

  • Reduce other graphics settings such as render distance, particles, and fancy graphics. This can help alleviate the strain on your system’s resources.
  • Close unnecessary background applications and processes to free up system resources for Minecraft.
  • Consider installing performance mods or using optimization tools specifically designed to improve Minecraft’s performance, such as Rubidium, Starlight, or FerriteCore.
  • Regularly update your graphics drivers and ensure that you have the latest version of Java installed.

Monitoring Performance

While adjusting the simulation distance, it’s important to monitor your computer’s performance to ensure it’s running optimally. Keep an eye on factors such as FPS (frames per second), TPS (ticks per second), and memory usage. Monitoring tools like Observable and spark can provide valuable insights into performance metrics.

“Finding the ideal simulation distance for your computer specifications can significantly improve gameplay performance in Minecraft.”


Choosing the optimal simulation distance based on your computer specifications is essential for maximizing gameplay performance in Minecraft. By finding the right balance between performance and visuals, you can enjoy a smooth and immersive Minecraft experience. Experiment with different simulation distances, consider hardware capabilities, and utilize optimization techniques to achieve the best results.

Note: Therecommended simulation distance settingsmentioned in this guide are general suggestions and may vary depending on individual computer specifications and personal preferences. It’s recommended to adjust and fine-tune the settings based on your specific setup.

Achieving Optimal Minecraft Simulation Distance on Various PCs

Learn how to achieve the optimal simulation distance onvarious PCsto ensure a smooth and enjoyable Minecraft experience. Simulation distance plays a crucial role in determining how far away objects and entities are rendered in the game, affecting both performance and visuals.

Understanding PC Specifications

Before adjusting the simulation distance settings, it’s important to understand your PC’s specifications. Consider factors such as CPU, RAM, and graphics card to determine the optimal settings for your system.

Recommended Simulation Distance Settings

Here are some recommended simulation distance settings based ondifferent PC specs:

  • Low-end PC: Start with a simulation distance of 6-8 chunks to ensure smoother gameplay.
  • Mid-range PC: Aim for a simulation distance of 10-12 chunks for a balance between performance and visuals.
  • High-end PC: Push the simulation distance to 14-16 chunks for the best visual experience.

Remember, these recommendations are not set in stone and can be adjusted based on personal preference and how well your PC can handle the load.

Tips for Optimization

Here are some general tips foroptimizing Minecraft simulation distance:

  • Lower other graphics settings, such as render distance and particle effects, to reduce the overall strain on your PC.
  • Close unnecessary background applications to free up system resources.
  • Allocate more RAM to Minecraft to enhance performance.
  • Consider using performance mods or tools specifically designed to optimize simulation distance.

Adjusting Simulation Distance

To adjust the simulation distance in Minecraft, follow these steps:

  1. Open the game menu and go to the video settings.
  2. Locate the simulation distance option and adjust it based on your PC’s capabilities and desired gameplay experience.
  3. Keep in mind that increasing the simulation distance may impact performance, so find a balance that works for you.

The Impact on Multiplayer Servers

When playing on multiplayer servers, it’s important to consider the impact of simulation distance on server performance. Higher simulation distances can increase server lag, especially if multiple players are in different areas of the world. Server owners may enforce a maximum simulation distance to mitigate these issues.


Finding the optimal simulation distance for Minecraft on your PC is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. Consider your PC’s specifications, adjust the settings accordingly, and use the provided tips and recommendations to achieve the best performance and visuals.

Improving Minecraft Simulation Distance for Better Visuals and Performance

Enhance the visuals and performance of Minecraft by implementing strategies to improve the simulation distance. Simulation distance is a crucial aspect of the game that controls how far away things can be while the game continues to run processes and maintain AI functionality. By optimizing the simulation distance settings, players can experience smoother gameplay and better visuals. Here are some strategies to enhance the simulation distance in Minecraft:

1. Use Rubidium or Sodium instead of OptiFine

OptiFine is known to cause various issues in modded Minecraft, including bugs, crashes, and rendering glitches. Instead, use Rubidium or Sodium as an alternative. These mods offer a wide range of performance-improving options that can significantly enhance both client-side FPS and server-side TPS.

2. Install Starlight for Improved Lighting Engine

Starlight is a mod that improves Minecraft’s lighting engine, reducing frame stuttering and enhancing overall performance. By installing Starlight, players can experience smoother gameplay and better visuals.

3. Reduce RAM Usage with FerriteCore and Saturn

FerriteCore and Saturn are mods that effectively reduce RAM usage in Minecraft. By optimizing the way biome temperature cache and other game aspects are handled, these mods can help improve performance and resource management.

4. Utilize Entity Culling or Rubidium’s Culling Option

Entity Culling or Rubidium’s built-in culling option are mods that skip rendering entities that are not visible, such as those behind walls or the player. By implementing these mods, players can experience a significant FPS boost, especially in areas with many entities.

5. Adjust Render Distance and Simulation Distance Settings

Lowering the render distance and simulation distance settings can greatly improve performance, as the game won’t need to render and simulate entities in distant chunks. Experiment with different values and find the balance that offers the best visuals and performance for your setup.

6. Disable Mipmapping in Video Settings

Mipmapping is a texture filtering technique that can impact performance in Minecraft. Disabling mipmapping in the video settings can help improve FPS and overall performance, particularly on lower-end systems.

7. Optimize PC Power Settings and Java Version

Make sure your PC’s power mode is set to high performance, disable link state power management, and set the processor state to 100%. Additionally, updating to the latest version of OpenJDK can provide performance improvements, especially for newer Minecraft versions.

8. Close Background Programs and Tabs

Running multiple programs and browser tabs in the background can impact game performance. Close unnecessary applications and tabs to free up system resources and ensure Minecraft has all the available processing power.

9. Pre-Generate Chunks with Chunk-Pregenerator

If you’re playing in an expansive world, pre-generating chunks with a mod like Chunk-Pregenerator can help improve performance. Pre-generating chunks ensures that the game doesn’t need to generate new chunks on the fly, reducing lag and improving gameplay.

10. Use Performance Monitoring Mods

Observable and Spark are mods that provide performance monitoring tools for Minecraft. These mods help identify potential performance issues, such as low TPS or high tick times, allowing players to troubleshoot and optimize their gameplay experience.

11. Use Compact Machines for Lag-Intensive Contraptions

If you’re running lag-intensive contraptions in your Minecraft world, consider using Compact Machines. This mod allows you to create compact, isolated spaces where intensive processes can run without impacting overall game performance.

Rubidium or SodiumAlternative to OptiFine with performance-enhancing options
StarlightImproves the lighting engine for reduced frame stuttering
FerriteCore and SaturnReduces RAM usage and optimizes resource management
Entity Culling or Rubidium’s Culling OptionSkips rendering invisible entities for improved FPS
Chunk-PregeneratorPre-generates chunks to reduce lag and improve gameplay
Observable and SparkPerformance monitoring tools for identifying issues
Compact MachinesCreates isolated spaces for lag-intensive contraptions

Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance the visuals and performance of Minecraft by optimizing the simulation distance. Experiment with different mods and settings to find the best combination for your specific setup, and enjoy a smoother and more immersive Minecraft experience.

Tailor the simulation distance settings in Minecraft to optimize performance based on your PC’s capabilities

Minecraft offers players the ability to customize the simulation distance settings to achieve optimal performance based on their PC’s capabilities. Adjusting these settings can greatly impact the gameplay experience by improving frame rates and reducing lag. By understanding the relationship between simulation distance and PC capabilities, players can tailor their settings for maximum performance.

Understanding Simulation Distance

Simulation distance in Minecraft refers to the distance at which the game continues to simulate processes for entities, such as items smelting in furnaces and mobs having AI. It is an important setting that affects both singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay. By adjusting the simulation distance, players can control the range at which these processes occur, which in turn impacts performance.

Setting Simulation Distance for Singleplayer Mode

In singleplayer mode, the simulation distance setting only affects the player’s computer. It is recommended to set the simulation distance as high as the computer can handle without causing stuttering. This allows for a more immersive gameplay experience, as processes can continue to occur even at a distance from the player.

It is important to note that any farms or automated systems outside of the simulation distance will cease to function. However, players can stack farms vertically within the simulation distance, as long as the player remains within the chunks directly below them.

Optimizing Simulation Distance for Multiplayer Servers and Realms

For multiplayer servers and realms, the simulation distance settings can have a significant impact on performance. Since the server has to calculate processes for every player in the game, setting the simulation distance too high can lead to lag and server strain.

It is recommended to keep the simulation distance as low as possible on multiplayer servers to minimize potential lag. Server admins can also enforce a simulation distance cap to ensure optimal performance for all players. By doing so, the server can effectively manage the calculations required for each player within the specified range.

Customizing Simulation Distance Settings

Customizing simulation distance settingsin Minecraft allows players to match the game’s performance with the capabilities of their PC. It is important to find the balance between a high simulation distance for an immersive experience and a manageable distance that maintains optimal performance.

Players can consider factors such as CPU and RAM requirements whencustomizing simulation distance settings. It is recommended to adjust the simulation distance based on the PC’s specifications, ensuring that the game runs smoothly without compromising performance.

Other Factors Impacting Performance

In addition to simulation distance, there are other factors that can impact Minecraft’s performance. These include graphical settings, resource packs, and the presence of mods. Players should consider optimizing these factors along with simulation distance to achieve the best possible gameplay experience.


Optimizing simulation distance settings in Minecraft is crucial for achieving optimal performance on different PCs. By tailoring these settings to match the capabilities of the PC, players can enjoy a smooth and immersive gameplay experience. Experimenting with different simulation distance values and monitoring performance can help players find the perfect balance between visuals and performance.

Understand how simulation distance affects Minecraft server performance and discover ways to optimize it

Simulation distance is a crucial setting in Minecraft that determines how far away things can be while the game continues to simulate processes and AI. It plays a significant role in server performance and can greatly impact gameplay. By understanding simulation distance and optimizing it, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable Minecraft experience. Here are some key factors to consider:


In Bedrock Edition, simulation distance can be controlled through the settings page when creating a new world. Players can choose values ranging from 4 to 12 in increments of 2, with even numbers only. In Java Edition, simulation distance is directly related to render distance, with the minimum value being 5 and the maximum value depending on the Java installation.

Tick Updates

In Bedrock Edition, simulation distance affects the maximum chunk distance in which entities are updated and blocks and fluids are ticked. This includes random ticking of crops and other objects. It’s important to note that simulation distance is purely chunk-based and not related to the player’s position within the chunk.

Spawning and Despawning

Simulation distance also influences the maximum distance at which mobs spawn and despawn. The spawning and despawning ranges are determined by the simulation distance setting and vary depending on the version of Minecraft.

Simulation DistanceSpawning RangeRandom Despawn RangeInstant Despawn Range
424-44 blocks34-44 blocks>44 blocks from nearest player
624-128 blocks (except in chunks bordering unloaded chunks)34-128 blocks (if no damage taken within last 30 seconds)>128 blocks, or when entering a chunk on the edge of the simulation distance
8-1224-128 blocks (except in chunks bordering unloaded chunks and chunks with a center more than 96 blocks away)N/AN/A

Entity Visibility

In Java Edition, simulation distance defines the region around the player where entities are ticked. Not all entities within the loaded and visible chunks are displayed to the player, as there are criteria for hiding entities based on distance. This includes both server-side and client-side considerations.

Optimizing Simulation Distance

To optimize simulation distance in Minecraft, consider the following:

  • Choose an appropriate simulation distance based on your specific computer specifications. Higher simulation distances require more processing power.
  • Adjust the simulation distance settings to match the requirements of your Minecraft server. Lower simulation distances can help minimize lag and improve server performance.
  • Experiment with different simulation distance values to find the optimal balance between performance and visual quality.
  • Consider using performance mods and tools specifically designed to optimize simulation distance in Minecraft.

The Impact on Minecraft Server Performance

Simulation distance plays a significant role inMinecraft server performance. It affects the processing power required to simulate entities and perform other game calculations. By optimizing simulation distance and considering other performance-enhancing measures, you can improve the overall performance of your Minecraft server.

Considerations for Realms and Multiplayer Servers

When using Realms or hosting multiplayer servers, it is essential to carefully manage simulation distance settings. High simulation distances with numerous players in different areas can cause significant lag and performance issues. Enforcing simulation distance caps and implementing performance-enhancing mods can help mitigate these problems.

Performance Mods and Tools

There are various performance mods and tools available that can help optimize simulation distance in Minecraft. These mods can improve server performance, reduce lag, and enhance gameplay. Examples include Rubidium, Starlight, FerriteCore, and Entity Culling.


Optimizing simulation distance in Minecraft is crucial for better server performance and gameplay experience. By understanding the impact of simulation distance and implementing appropriate settings and performance enhancements, you can achieve smoother gameplay, reduce lag, and enjoy a more immersive Minecraft world.

Considerations for Realms and Multiplayer Servers

Discover the considerations and best practices for setting simulation distance on Realms and multiplayer servers in Minecraft.

In Realms and multiplayer servers, setting the simulation distance is crucial to ensure smooth gameplay for all players. Here are some important factors to consider:

Server Performance

One of the key considerations when setting the simulation distance is server performance. The simulation distance affects the number of calculations the server needs to perform, as well as the amount of data that needs to be transmitted between the server and the players. Setting a high simulation distance can strain the server’s resources and lead to lag or even crashes.

To maintain optimal server performance, it is recommended to set a moderate simulation distance that balances gameplay experience and server capabilities. This will help ensure that all players can enjoy a smooth and lag-free experience without overwhelming the server.

Player Density

The number of players on a server also impacts the ideal simulation distance. In highly populated servers with many players in close proximity, a lower simulation distance may be necessary to prevent excessive strain on the server. This can help mitigate lag and create a more stable gameplay experience.

Conversely, in servers with fewer players or where players are spread out over larger areas, a higher simulation distance can be used to allow for a more immersive and expansive gameplay experience. However, it is important to consider the server’s capabilities and ensure that it can handle the increased calculations and data transmission.

Hardware and Network Resources

The hardware and network resources available for the server also play a significant role in determining the ideal simulation distance. Servers with powerful CPUs, ample RAM, and fast network connections can handle higher simulation distances without sacrificing performance.

On the other hand, servers with limited resources may need to lower the simulation distance to ensure optimal performance. It is important to consider the server’s specifications and adjust the simulation distance accordingly to prevent lag and maintain a smooth gameplay experience for all players.

Communication and Collaboration

When setting the simulation distance on a multiplayer server or Realm, it is essential to communicate and collaborate with the players. Discussing the ideal simulation distance with the community can help gather feedback and ensure that the majority of players are satisfied with the gameplay experience.

Players may have different preferences or requirements based on their individual hardware capabilities and internet connections. By considering and incorporating their input, server administrators can create an inclusive and enjoyable environment for all players.

Example: Recommended Simulation Distances

Here is an example of recommended simulation distances based on player density:

Player DensityRecommended Simulation Distance
High player density4-8 chunks
Moderate player density8-12 chunks
Low player density12-16 chunks

These recommendations serve as a starting point and can be adjusted based on the server’s performance and the players’ feedback.


Setting the simulation distance on Realms and multiplayer servers in Minecraft requires careful consideration of server performance, player density, hardware resources, and communication with the community. By finding the right balance between gameplay experience and server capabilities, administrators can create a smooth and enjoyable Minecraft experience for all players.

Enhance simulation distance optimization in Minecraft with these performance mods and tools

Simulation distance optimizationis crucial for achieving optimal performance in Minecraft. By adjusting simulation distance settings, players can balance gameplay visuals and smoothness. To further enhancesimulation distance optimization, here are some performance mods and tools that can improve your Minecraft experience.

Performance Mods and Tools

1.Rubidium (Fabric: Sodium): A powerful alternative to OptiFine, Rubidium provides a range of performance-improving options to enhance both client-side FPS and server-side TPS.

2.Rubidium Extras: An add-on for Rubidium, Rubidium Extras offers additional optimization options to further enhance your game’s performance.

3.Starlight (Fabric version): This mod improves the lighting engine in Minecraft, reducing frame stuttering and improving overall performance.

4.FerriteCore (Fabric version): By reducing RAM usage significantly, FerriteCore helps optimize your game’s performance and improve resource efficiency.

5.Saturn: This mod reduces RAM usage caused by biome temperature caching, contributing to better overall performance.

6.Entity Culling (Forge and Fabric): By skipping the rendering of entities that are not visible, Entity Culling can significantly boost FPS in areas with many entities. It can be used alongside Rubidium or as a standalone mod.

7.Better Fps – Render Distance (Fabric version): By rendering everything in a configurable circular shape instead of a full square radius, this mod improves frame rate performance.

8.Entity Collision FPS Fix: This mod improves frame rates in areas with numerous entities by skipping the entity collision check on the client-side, reducing lag.

9.Canary (Fabric: Lithium): Canary offers various optimizations, including improvements to block ticking, mob AI, and physics, resulting in better server-side performance.

10.FastWorkbench (Fabric version): By changing how crafting recipes load, FastWorkbench improves server-side performance and reduces frame stuttering in specific situations.

11.FastFurnace (Fabric version): This mod works similarly to FastWorkbench but specifically focuses on improving performance related to smelting recipes.

12.FastSuite: Composed of multiple lightweight mods such as FastWorkbench and FastFurnace, FastSuite provides a compilation of performance-enhancing tools for Minecraft.

13.Server Performance – Smooth Chunk Save: This mod focuses on optimizing chunk saving in servers, resulting in smoother gameplay and improved server performance.

14.ISNT: ISNT (Is Not a Shaderpack) is a performance-friendly alternative to resource-intensive shader packs, offering improved visual effects without sacrificing performance.

15.Let Me Despawn: This mod ensures that despawning rules are accurately applied, preventing unnecessary entity clutter and optimizing performance.

16.AI Improvements: By improving mob AI behavior, this mod optimizes performance by reducing unnecessary entity computations and improving overall performance.

17.Clumps: Clumps combines XP orbs into larger entities, reducing the number of entities in the world and improving performance.

18.LazyDFU: This mod optimizes performance by lazily updating chunk lighting, reducing computational strain and improving overall gameplay performance.

19.FPS Reducer: FPS Reducer dynamically adjusts FPS to match the capabilities of your system, optimizing performance for smoother gameplay.

20.Observable: Observable allows players to monitor TPS and tick times in real-time, aiding in performance optimization and troubleshooting.

21.Spark: Spark provides detailed performance analysis and profiling for Minecraft, helping identify performance bottlenecks and optimize gameplay.


By utilizing these performance mods and tools, players can greatly enhance thesimulation distance optimizationin Minecraft. Whether improving FPS on the client-side or optimizing TPS on the server-side, these mods and tools offer various ways to achieve better performance and a smoother gameplay experience.


Inconclusion, finding the optimal simulation distance settings for Minecraft based on your PC specs is crucial for achieving maximum performance and gameplay enjoyment. Simulation distance plays a significant role in determining how far away things can be while the game continues to run processes and AI. Whether you are playing in single-player mode or on a multiplayer server, understanding and adjusting the simulation distance settings can greatly improve your overall experience.

For single-player worlds, it is recommended to set the simulation distance as high as your computer can handle without causing any noticeable stuttering. This allows for smoother gameplay and ensures that all farms and contraptions within the distance continue to function properly.

On the other hand, for multiplayer servers and realms, it is important to consider the impact of simulation distance on server performance. Setting a low simulation distance helps minimize potential lag, especially when multiple players are scattered across different areas of the world. Enforcing a simulation distance cap can also help maintain server performance and ensure a smooth gameplay experience for all players.

Ultimately, the ideal simulation distance will depend on the specific circ*mstances, such as the capabilities of your computer or the server you are playing on. Experimenting with different settings and assessing the performance impact can help you find the perfect balance between visuals, performance, and gameplay.

Remember that other factors, such as render distance andentity visibility, also influence the overall performance of Minecraft. It is recommended to consider these factors alongside simulation distance to achieve the best possible gaming experience.

By understanding and optimizing simulation distance settings, customizing them according to your PC capabilities, and utilizing performance mods and tools, you can enhance both the visuals and performance of Minecraft. So, take the time to explore and experiment with different settings to find the optimal simulation distance for your Minecraft adventures.


Q: What is simulation distance in Minecraft?

A: Simulation distance in Minecraft is a setting that determines the maximum distance at which entities are updated and blocks are ticked. It affects mob spawning and despawning, as well as various gameplay processes.

Q: How does simulation distance impact Minecraft performance?

A: The higher the simulation distance, the more processing power is required to update entities and tick blocks. If the simulation distance is set too high for the player’s computer specifications, it can result in lag and decreased performance.

Q: How can I adjust the simulation distance settings in Minecraft?

A: In Bedrock Edition, the simulation distance can be controlled in the settings page when creating a new world. In Java Edition, it is related to the render distance setting. Both editions offer a range of values to choose from.

Q: What are the recommended simulation distance settings for different PC specs?

A: The recommended simulation distance settings vary depending on the player’s PC specs. Generally, lower-end PCs should use a lower simulation distance to optimize performance, while higher-end PCs can handle a higher simulation distance for better visuals.

Q: How can I improve Minecraft performance by optimizing simulation distance?

A: To optimize Minecraft performance, players can adjust the simulation distance to a level that matches their PC capabilities. Additionally, using performance mods and tools can help optimize simulation distance and improve overall gameplay.

Q: Are there any considerations for simulation distance on multiplayer servers?

A: Yes, on multiplayer servers, the simulation distance settings can impact server performance. It is important to set a reasonable simulation distance to avoid lag and ensure smooth gameplay for all players.

Q: What are some performance mods and tools that can optimize simulation distance in Minecraft?

A: There are various performance mods and tools available that can help optimize simulation distance in Minecraft. Some popular ones include Rubidium, Starlight, FerriteCore, and Entity Culling. These mods and tools offer performance-enhancing options and optimizations.

Q: What is the ideal simulation distance for Minecraft?

A: The ideal simulation distance for Minecraft depends on the player’s computer specifications and their desired balance between performance and visuals. It is recommended to find the sweet spot that provides smooth gameplay without sacrificing too much in terms of visual experience.

Q: How can I customize simulation distance settings to match my PC capabilities?

A: To customize simulation distance settings, players should consider their PC’s CPU and RAM requirements. Lower-end PCs may need to set a lower simulation distance, while higher-end PCs can handle a higher simulation distance for better performance.

Optimal Settings for Simulation Distance in Minecraft: PC Specs Guide | Techcritix (1)

Sumeet Bhandari


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Optimal Settings for Simulation Distance in Minecraft: PC Specs Guide | Techcritix (2024)
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