Dragon Age Inquisition - Mage, builds, skills, abilities, offensive, defensive, utility (2024)

The Mage is a particular;y powerful class in Dragon Age Inquisition, and you should focus your stat acquisitions on Magic, then Willpower when bulking out your preferred magical fighter. There are no healing options beyond chugging down potions in the game, and so the magical defensive barriers provided by Mages are invaluable throughout the story. As for your offensive spells, you'll start out with Lightning and Flashfire.

Your Spirit skillset focuses on defensive skills, while the Storm tree provides many debilitating spells. The Winter and Inferno trees are more orientated toward dishing out the pain. With that said, there are all kinds of tools packed within each tree, and you should definitely pick and choose from the lot when it comes to crafting your own glass cannon.

Here's a look at some of the most useful Mage spells, skills and abilities you can get in the game.

Mage spells and skills guide

  • Name: Barrier
  • Set: Spirit
  • Barrier: 5,500 per cent of weapon damage
  • Area of Effect: 4 meters
  • Cooldown: 24 seconds
  • Mana cost: 50

This powerful buffing ability provides every party member in range with a healthy amount of armour. Note, however, that the casting circle is not the precise range of effect - imagine it stretching around 25% further and you'll have the right idea. As long as your party members aren't too far outside of the visible perimeter, they'll receive the benefit of the cast.

We recommend enhancing this skill with Rejuvenating Barrier and Elegant Defense as you level up. The latter will reduce the cooldown of the spell by four seconds each time an earlier application expires. In longer fights you could be casting this three or four times, giving you a glorious 16 second cooldown as you approach the fourth application.

As for Rejuvenating Barrier, this will boost the mana and stamina regeneration of each team member affected by the spell by 35 per cent. Combined with Elegant Defense, this spell is now your most potent - and important - defensive ability in the game. If you want to cheese your way through a particularly tricky fight, consider playing a taunting Warrior with three Mages - if each Mage throws out a Barrier spell one at a time, you'll have a near permanent protective shield in play.

  • Name: Chain Lightning
  • Set: Storm
  • Distance: 5 metres (9 with Arcing Surge)
  • Number of targets: 4 (6 with Arcing Surge)
  • Shocked Duration: 8 seconds
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Mana cost: 50

While every Mage will possess the Chain Lightning skill, you'll have to supplement it with Arcing Surge yourself - and we strongly recommend that you do so. This will not only cause the spell to affect more targets, it will also increase its range. Expect this lightning strike to shock your main target while also damaging any foes nearby. This is a very powerful way to start any multiple-target fight, and should be used immediately after casting Barrier.

  • Name: Dispel
  • Set: Spirit
  • Area of effect: 5 metres
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Mana cost: 35

Use this to remove any debilitating magical effects cast against your party members. You can also use it to remove any defensive spells put into play by your enemies. When closing rifts, you'll notice green cracks on the floor after defeating the first wave of enemies. Throw Dispel on this patch to prevent the demons from appearing and fighting your team. Do this often enough and you can skip a whole wave of enemies, and get that rift shut down even faster.

  • Name: Energy Barrage
  • Set: Storm
  • Damage: 66 per cent of weapon damager per hit
  • Number of hits: 12
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds
  • Mana cost: 50

This spell is based on whatever elemental flavour your current weapon possesses. It fires out a total of 12 elemental projectiles, inflicting 792 per cent of your weapon's damage in total. It's an extremely important tool in the Mage's offensive arsenal, but do make sure your enemy isn't immune to the elemental damage in question.

  • Name: Flashfire
  • Set: Inferno
  • Damage: 300 per cent of weapon damage
  • Effect Duration: 8 seconds
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds
  • Mana cost: 65

Energy Barrage will likely be your most useful offensive spell when it comes to dealing with single targets. If you're up against an opponent who's immune to the elements of your weapon of choice, however, you should switch over to Flashfire - assuming fire immunity isn't the issue! As well as the 300 per cent of damage, this spell also imbues the target with Fear, which seriously reduces the combat effectiveness of the enemy for the spell's duration.

  • Name: Lightning Bolt
  • Set: Storm
  • Damage: 200 per cent of weapon damage
  • Effect Duration: 2 seconds per nearby enemy
  • Cooldown: 24 seconds
  • Mana cost: 65

Lightning Bolt is a fantastic spell when it comes to dealing with packs of enemies. It will paralyse any opponents it touches, giving you the chance to inflict at least one more offensive spell against them before they can catch up to you. Just have a meaty Warrior ready to taunt up the approaching danger.

  • Name: Revival
  • Set: Spirit
  • Area of Effect: 2 meters
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
  • Mana cost: 85

This is the game's core resurrection spell. Should a team member die in battle, use this to bring them back to life fast. If you bolster this spell with Life Ward, you can even boost your friends' defenses, and revive them automatically if they fall in battle.

Dragon Age Inquisition Mage builds

Barrier Mage

If you want to create a defensive mage, here are the spells we recommend using in order of importance:

  • Chain Lightning
  • Barrier
  • Peaceful Aura
  • Dispel
  • Revival
  • Elegant Defense
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Rejuvenating Barrier
  • Transmute Magic
  • Guardian Spirit
  • Mind Blast
  • Fortifying Blast
  • Strength of Spirits
  • Life Ward

If you only want to include one Mage in your party, then this is the build we recommend using. It focuses mainly on the Spirit tree, and is about as close to a healer as you can get in the game. Get Barrier as quickly as possible, as it's the foundation of your build. Protection in battle is the order of the day for this character, and you should only throw out damage when there's nothing else to do. Get Barrier up as often as you can if there's not one already in play.

Black Mage

  • Chain Lightning
  • Barrier
  • Energy Barrage
  • Stormbringer
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Flashfire
  • Arcing Surge
  • Exploding Bolt
  • Energy Bombardment
  • Flashpoint
  • Blistering Pain
  • Conductive Current
  • Pyromancer
  • Elegant Defense
  • Winter's Grasp
  • Peaceful Aura
  • Dispel
  • Rejuvenating Barrier
  • Revival
  • Winter's Chill

As you'd expect, the Black Mage is focused on dishing out the pain, but you should only include one of these characters if you're also going to run a Barrier Mage in your team. While the focus of this second magical character is on providing offensive damage, you should also be prepared to put it in a defensive role if anything happens to your primary protector.

You'll get Chain Lightning right away, so pick up Energy Barrage as your first offensive ability. When you reach approximately level 10, you can focus on more secondary spells like Revival. This ensures you have the means to resuscitate a comrade, should something happen to your Barrier Mage.

Red Mage

  • Chain Lightning
  • Barrier
  • Energy Barrage
  • Peaceful Aura
  • Dispel
  • Stormbringer
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Revival
  • Elegant Defense
  • Arcing Surge
  • Rejuvenating Barrier
  • Flashfire
  • Exploding Bolt
  • Transmute Magic
  • Revival
  • Energy Bombardment
  • Flashpoint
  • Blistering Pain
  • Conductive Current
  • Pyromancer

In terms of function, this characters sits somewhere between the Barrier and the Black Mage. If you want to add a little more oomph to your offensive output, you can use a Red Mage rather than a Barrier Mage if you only fancy packing one of these characters archetypes into your party. In the early stages of the game, have your Red Mage concentrate on using Barrier and Dispel to keep your team alive.

You can find the rest of our Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough from the first page of this article.

Dragon Age Inquisition - Mage, builds, skills, abilities, offensive, defensive, utility (2024)


What is the best mage class in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Though patched to reduce its absurd strength, perhaps the strongest Mage specialization, still, is the Knight-Enchanter. As a support class, the Knight-Enchanter makes the most of the protective barriers that define that playstyle, while also being capable of dealing extreme amounts of damage with Spirit Blade.

Can you unlock all abilities in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

While there is not set level cap, the theoretical is 25-30 iirc and each tree has around 15 skills(active and passive) so you cannot unlock everything.

What is the difference between magic defense and resistance in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

According to IGN Dragon Age Inquisition Attributes guide, Magic Defense = the percentage of damage resistance to all magical or elemental attacks and Fire Resistance = the percentage of damage resistance to fire damage attacks.

What are the best mage weapons in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Ultimate Weapon For A Mage

What may look like a copy of Orsino's staff from Dragon Age 2 is actually one of the best staves available in Inquisition. It is also pretty easy to get, as it is purchasable at the Black Emporium. It can be found among the Schematics of Legend and costs 16,956 gold.

What is the highest class of mage? ›

Classification by Station:
  • [Apprentice Mage]
  • [Archmage] - Highest [Mage] class / Apex of all [Mage] classes. ...
  • [Grand Mage] - Educator and over level 40.
  • [Grand Magus] - Second highest [Mage] class / Below only [Archmage] ...
  • [Hedge Mage] / [Hedgemage] - Self-educated, usually low-level. ...
  • [High Mage] - Generalist with high levels.

How to get infinite skill points in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Equipping each Amulet of Power will cause it to vanish and award the character one extra Skill Point permanently. If the player decides to re-spec their character, all the Skill points gained using this exploit should remain. This process can also work with Amulets of Power found in chests for other characters.

Can you become a Templar in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

After assembling the ingredients, you can assemble the standard at any requisition table, then deliver it to resolve the quest. Afterward, you can choose to commit to being a Templar. If you decline, you can come back and commit to it later as long as you haven't committed to either of the others.

Who can betray you in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Dragon Age players have been betrayed by characters like Morrigan, Anders, Blackwall, and Solas, and can conditionally be betrayed by many others.

What is the toughest dragon in Inquisition? ›

As if the name doesn't give it away, the Highland Ravager is the most dangerous dragon in base Inquisition and it has no problem taking down Inquisitors of any level. According to Dragon Age: The World Of Thedas Volume 2, Ravagers are particularly notorious for their catastrophic rampages across the continent.

Does magic level increase magic Defence? ›

A player's Ranged level will not increase their ranged defence, but magical defence is different - it is based on 70% of the player's Magic level, while the remaining 30% is the player's Defence level, which is then followed by the player's magical defence bonus from their armour.

Can warrior use magic in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Templar specialization for Warriors, if it follows the previous DA games, is actually technically a magic user, though in-universe they'd never admit it. They can be either 2H or Sword/Board. And they WRECK mages, spirits and demons. They can also ruin Darkspawn, under the right conditions.

What is the best mage armor in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Body: Superior Battlemage Armor Schematic (Base Game)

The Superior Battlemage Armor Tier 3 Schematic is the best armor available for your favorite mages in the base game, especially those set up to be offensive mages.

What is the best weapon for mage class? ›

Classic WoW Phase 5 Mage Main Hand Weapons
BestSharpened Silithid FemurDrops from Viscidus
OptionalStaff of the Shadow FlameDrops from Nefarian
OptionalBlessed Qiraji Acolyte StaffReward from Imperial Qiraji Regalia
OptionalClaw of ChromaggusDrops from Chromaggus
3 more rows

What is the best mage clearing weapon? ›

A Spirit Sceptre is an essential mage tool. It's a powerful weapon that shoots player-controlled bats without a cooldown, that create a 6-block radius explosion, making it one of the best weapons to clear out rooms. However, it does have a high ✎ Mana cost, so ✎ Intelligence should be maximized to use it continuously.

Which class is better in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Rogues are by far the best class in Dragon Age: Inquisition. There are two types: dual-wield rogues, who work with daggers, and archer rogues, who work with bows and arrows. The former are better for close-range attacks and the latter are better for range attacks, but both deal rapid, repeat damage.

What is the best mage class to level with? ›

We recommend Arcane for most of your Mage Leveling needs. This is because Arcane does the highest damage while levelling, and has decent kiting capability. Both Frost and Fire are decent leveling specs as well. Especially Frost has an immense amount of kiting potential, since every single spell slows the enemies.

What is the highest tier mage? ›

Magus is the highest rank obtainable by a mage. A Magus is someone whose power is equal only to his outstanding merits toward the community and the knowledge he shared with the Magical Association.

What is the best race in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

What race you choose gets them just the slightest different bonus points. For example, in Inquisition a human will get an additional ability point, a Dwarf will get better resistance to magic, Elf will get better resistance to ranged attacks, and Qunari get better physical resistance.

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