7 Easy Tips to Finally Go Paperless (2024)

How many pieces of paper are on your kitchen counter, dining room table, or some other place where they don't belong? Do you hang onto receipts? Is there a stack of papers from the vet that you keep in case you need to remember exactly what meds your cat took three years ago? All that paper sits there waiting for a time when you'll be able to deal with it, which never seems to come.

It's time to get rid of the paper and all the guilt that piles up along with it. It's time to go paperless.

What Does Paper-Free Mean?

I've been paper-free for more than a decade. By paper-free, I don't mean I have zero papers in my life. I still need my paper birth certificate, of course, and I prefer using a traditional notebook for taking certain kinds of notes, like in language classes and when I'm making pottery.

For the most part, though, I don't hang on to paper. Instead, I scan important documents to a storage service and keep digital notes in a note-taking app. I write my to-do list and shopping list in a task-management app. I pin restaurant recommendations in Google Maps. There are so many simple tricks that can help you remove paper from your life if you're willing to pick up a few tools to do it.

Going digital is easy. The hard part is not letting paper creep back in. If you're ready to get rid of most of the paper in your life, here's what you need to know to get started and to keep it up.

1. Ignore the Backlog

The first step in going paperless is to forget about whatever paper backlog you've already accumulated and instead focus on the new habits you need going forward. What will you do differently starting from this day forward? It may sound counterintuitive, but it works.

Having to deal with a backlog can feel overwhelming, and when people feel overwhelmed, they procrastinate. So forget about it for now. In short, don't look backward. Adopt a go-forward approach instead.

You'll get to your old piles of paper someday—or not. For now, don't let those old papers hold you back.

2. Get These 4 Apps

To make real progress going paperless, you need four apps/services:

  1. a to-do list app to write down and organize tasks, chores, shopping lists, and other reminders—I recommend Todoist

  2. an online storage service where you will store the majority of your digitized papers, and which lets you easily and securely send large files to other people

  3. a scanning app to quickly digitize physical papers (unless your online storage service already comes with one, which it might)

  4. an e-signature tool for signing documents—you probably already have one installed on your computer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Apple Preview (shown below), or one might be included with your online storage service

7 Easy Tips to Finally Go Paperless (1)

(Credit: Apple/PCMag)

A to-do list app is fairly straightforward. Find something you like and commit to using it. Try to limit yourself to no more than five tasks per day, and three is probably better. People who assign themselves too many tasks and then don't do them end up ditching their to-do lists.

The online storage service is the most important app/service you need, so I talk about it in more detail in the next step.

While there are some good scanning apps on the market, including Microsoft Lens (free), the one that comes with your storage service is the most convenient one to use. Dropbox has one in its mobile app, for example, so you can scan papers and upload them straight to Dropbox in one go. Same goes for the app or tool you'll use to digital sign documents.

3. Pick a Storage Service

Let's dig into the storage service a little more. The storage service is where you keep digital versions of your paper documents, and, as mentioned, perhaps also share and deliver documents to others.

Ideally, you want a storage service that makes your files accessible no matter where you are and backs them up. One option is to use a cloud storage and file-sharing service, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive.

There used to be specialty services designed to help you go paperless by automatically detecting and classifying different types of documents you uploaded, such as tax filings and medical bills—but they've more or less all gone under. So stick with something mainstream.

No matter which storage service you choose, pick one and stick with it so that you can put all your documents in one place.

For any storage service, make sure you understand the privacy and security settings and rules, as well as the sharing options. Keep your private and sensitive documents separate (in different folders) from any files or folders you might share.

7 Easy Tips to Finally Go Paperless (2)

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

If you want very specific guidance for naming and filing your documents, I wrote an article that how to organize tax documents using good file-naming conventions, and the principles apply to any kind of file. So read that for tips.

4. Sign Up for Digital Statements and Payments, and Remove Yourself From Mailing Lists

If you still receive paper bills and statements, sign up to receive them by email anywhere you can. Additionally, switch to online payments wherever possible.

The last holdouts for online payments tend to be landlords and management companies. If you're stuck writing a monthly rent check, try explaining to the landlord they'll get their money faster and more reliably if they accept digital payments. Even the smallest businesses can accept direct bank transfers with little or no fees attached, and many now accept funds via mobile payment apps. When you can pay all your bills digitally rather than with checks and envelopes, you get one step closer to being paperless.

If you must send checks, see if your bank offers online check writing. It's a service where you write a check from your online account and have the bank mail it to the addressee. Some banks even pay for the postage.

To reduce the amount of junk snail mail that you get, your best bet is to follow a two-step approach, according to the Federal Trade Commission's info on consumer junk mail. The FTC recommends first opting out from marketing companies using DMAChoice.org (note that there is a $5 processing fee). Second, remove yourself from lists for insurance and bank offers using OptOutPrescreen.com.

I once set a goal for myself to unsubscribe from all the mail catalogs I received between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I did it manually by reaching out to companies or looking for unsubscribe pages on their websites, and it was surprisingly effective, though it took some effort. It got me better results than any service that offered to remove me from all catalogs.

5. Scan and Shred New Incoming Papers

Once you've cut down on incoming papers, it's time to start developing new habits for all the paperwork that still manages to flow into your life. The process that you'll do the most is scan and shred, or scan and recycle. Start to think of scanning and shredding/recycling as a new habit you're trying to adopt.

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Going Paperless Is Simple With These 5 Handy Apps

I like to scan papers using a mobile app, but you can certainly use a desktop scanner or the scanning function on a multifunction printer if that's more comfortable for you.

The important thing is to make a rule for yourself that goes something like this: When I get a new piece of paper that I need to digitize, I'll use my phone to scan it right away and then place the paper in the recycling bin or shredding pile. Better yet, send it straight to the shredder if you have one. Why wait?

Forcing yourself to follow that habit may be hard. "I don't have the time to scan this right now," you might say. Practice your new habit by scanning a document or two from your backlog, just to try it out. How long does it take? Which app did you use? Did you need to troubleshoot at any point?

As you scan, you need to name the document, maybe add tags, and file it into an appropriate folder. One trick is to make your default scanning location a folder called Inbox. Scan everything to the inbox, and if you don't have time in the moment to rename, tag, and sort the file, you can tackle everything in the inbox when you do have time.

7 Easy Tips to Finally Go Paperless (6)

(Credit: Microsoft Lens/PCMag)

You might also find that scanning documents in natural light goes more smoothly than doing it with indoor lighting, so sometimes it pays to wait until daytime and scan near a window rather than scan at night. Once you get a feel for how to do it and how much time it takes, you might have an easier time following through.

6. Develop Other Workflows

Scanning and shredding is one workflow. As you get comfortable with your paperless lifestyle, you need more workflows for other situations.

Here's an example: When you buy a new product, take pictures of the receipt, warranty, and serial number. Upload those pictures to your storage service and then get rid of the extraneous papers.

Another workflow is to save a pile of papers that you think you should shred but aren't sure right now, and then go through them on a dedicated day. Pick a time and date, whether every Saturday or the first Sunday of the month, and use that time to clear out your stack.

Sometimes you may want to scan papers while also keeping the originals, in the case of insurance certificates, homeowner's documents, and so forth. By digitizing them, you create a backup copy and ensure you have access to the information they contain, even if you can't get your hands on the original. It's also much quicker and easier to search for these documents digitally rather than physically.

7. Don't Overthink It

At some point in going paperless, you'll question whether to keep original copies or shred certain documents after digitizing them. When facing a tough call, don't overthink it. Being paperless should make your life simpler and easier—not more stressful. When in doubt, save the original. Stash it in a folder, accordion binder, or filing cabinet. No one is going to come and take your Paperless Club card away if you hang onto a few papers.

That said, don't hang on to or bother digitizing papers that have no purpose. If you're the type of person who diligently hangs on to paper believing you're doing the responsible thing, it can feel scary to shred and recycle anything. But will you ever need that receipt for a sandwich or an explanation of benefits statements from two years ago? Shred them and let them go.

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7 Easy Tips to Finally Go Paperless (2024)


What do I need to go paperless? ›

You can start going paperless by embracing technology. Start new good habits by not printing out documents and using an electronic signature tool like Docusign eSignature to get documents signed online. Start storing your documents in the cloud using Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox.

How to become paperless? ›

The paperless office: 10 ways to go paperless at work
  1. Create a paperless office policy. ...
  2. Encourage recycling and reuse. ...
  3. Replace paper copies with cloud-based storage. ...
  4. Use digital apps. ...
  5. Ditch the paper and pen logbook. ...
  6. Implement a visitor management system. ...
  7. Use e-signature software. ...
  8. Move finance to digital.
Jun 10, 2022

How to encourage people to go paperless? ›

Here are 6 easy ways to encourage customers to go paperless:
  1. ONLINE EXPERIENCE. You have to make their online experience easy. ...
  2. GIVE HISTORY. Paper statements can only give so much before you're mailing a novel. ...

How do I move to paperless? ›

12 Tips for Going Paperless At Home
  1. Digitize Your Documents. ...
  2. E-Bills and Statements. ...
  3. Digital Notes and Lists. ...
  4. E-Books and Digital Reading. ...
  5. Streamline Your Mailbox: Tackling Junk Mail. ...
  6. Optimize your Scheduling with Digital Calendars. ...
  7. Online Banking and Electronic Payments. ...
  8. Cloud Storage Solutions.

What does go paperless mean? ›

Simply put, going paperless means significantly reducing — or completely eliminating — the use of physical copies of documents in a business context, exchanging printed pages for digital documents, especially in internal processes.

Why is going paperless a bad idea? ›

These situations highlight one of the biggest disadvantages of going paperless; without a printed backup of your files, your business operations will be put on hold. This is why keeping physical copies of documents is vital to ensure that you always have access to important data if technology ever decides to fail you.

What is an example of paperless? ›

Types of paperless solutions

For example, you might send your coworker a PDF version of a proposal to edit and annotate before you decide to submit it to the project manager . E-forms: Similar to a PDF, an e-form is an electronic document that people can sign.

How do you go paperless on everything? ›

  1. Sign up for electronic bills.
  2. Invest in cloud storage.
  3. Set up a system to quickly find important documents.
  4. Save important documents in at least two places.
  5. Set up automatic backups.
  6. Buy a paper shredder.
  7. Use a to-do list app instead of sticky notes.
  8. Use online signup forms instead of paper forms.
Dec 15, 2023

Why do people become paperless? ›

Time is money and going paperless avoids wastage

One of the most important is that it saves time for employees. Filing documents no longer means slowly printing them out, then having to search for them manually later on. Digital storage can be done in seconds, and retrieval involves a quick computer search.

How do you chase paperless? ›

Sign in to chase.com. Choose the “Paperless” button within an account summary or choose the “Profile and settings” icon in the top right corner of your browser, then choose “Account management,” then “Paperless.” You'll see a list of all your Chase accounts that are eligible for paperless statements.

How do you tell customers we are going paperless? ›

We are going paperless! Our company is very pleased to inform you that starting next month, we will no longer be sending out paper invoices, receipts, forms, reports, tax returns, paychecks or letters. All correspondence will now be distributed to you via email. We are really excited about this initiative.

What is the challenge of paperless? ›

Hardware Failure

One of the top threats of a paperless office is a hardware failure resulting in lost data. The company must regularly back up its data especially in the case that equipment suffers a breakdown.

How do I start paperless? ›

7 steps to create a paperless business
  1. Create management initiatives to go paperless. ...
  2. Invest in a document management system. ...
  3. Utilize cloud-based document storage. ...
  4. Take advantage of digital tools. ...
  5. Explore online notarization. ...
  6. Opt out of junk mail. ...
  7. Automate business processes.

How to become paperless at home? ›

7 Easy Tips to Finally Go Paperless
  1. What Does Paper-Free Mean? ...
  2. Ignore the Backlog. ...
  3. Get These 4 Apps. ...
  4. Pick a Storage Service. ...
  5. Sign Up for Digital Statements and Payments, and Remove Yourself From Mailing Lists. ...
  6. Scan and Shred New Incoming Papers. ...
  7. Develop Other Workflows. ...
  8. Don't Overthink It.

How do you encourage someone to go paperless? ›

To encourage customers to go paperless, we recommend creating a one-click enrollment on your website or mobile app. Also, be sure to highlight the ease of enrollment in your promotional campaigns. For example, use language such as “enroll in 30 seconds” or “you're only one click away from e-Bill convenience.”

What are the pros and cons of going paperless? ›

To find out, let's look at some paperless office advantages and disadvantages.
  • Advantage: Save Money and Space.
  • Disadvantage: Resources are Needed for IT Management and Training.
  • Advantage: Boost your Security.
  • Disadvantage: There's Still the Potential for Cyber Attacks.
Feb 14, 2023

What is the value of going paperless? ›

Save on costs

By opting for a paperless document management system, you circumvent the problem of paper prices and its associated expenses such as printers, printer ink, printer maintenance, and other office supplies. Combined, the overhead cost from these can be staggering as they quickly add up.

Should I go paperless at home? ›

Going paperless benefits the environment saves money, and reduces clutter in your home and office. Even if you aren't overwhelmed with tons of paper, having a near-paperless environment can help reduce clutter. Studies show clutter causes stress and anxiety and decreases productivity and creativity.

Do I have to go paperless for a TV licence? ›

Like your gas, phone or council tax payments, your TV Licence can be accessed online whenever you need it. You don't actually need a paper copy.

How do I go paperless with personal documents? ›

9 steps to create a paperless home
  1. Sign up for electronic bills.
  2. Invest in cloud storage.
  3. Set up a system to quickly find important documents.
  4. Save important documents in at least two places.
  5. Set up automatic backups.
  6. Buy a paper shredder.
  7. Use a to-do list app instead of sticky notes.
Dec 15, 2023

Can my employer force me to go paperless? ›

The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), does not require an employer to provide pay stubs to employees. Rather, employers are required to keep accurate recordkeeping of hours worked and wages paid. Whether or not you can require paperless pay stubs comes down to the state the employee works in.

Can banks force you to go paperless? ›

The Protecting Against Paperless and Electronic Requirements (PAPER) Act protects access to paper bank statements through two measures: Requiring that banks give customers the option to receive paper statements. Prohibiting banks from withholding paper services unless customers switch to all digital statements.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.